Re: How do I handle a SQLBoolean value in VB? Programming Databases by AleMonteiro … converting to bool works. However, `retVal.SqlValue` returns an SqlBoolean object, that can't be converted to a bool, but… the SqlBoolean object has an Value property that is a bool. So… should work: CBoll(retval.Value) 'And CType(retval.SqlValue, 'SqlBoolean').Value I don't know if the syntax are ok… Re: How do I handle a SQLBoolean value in VB? Programming Databases by john.knapp … the feedback. I couldn't get the CType to work, SQLBoolean wasn't a valid object type, so I tried Boolean….Value)` - which same, if my logic is working, exposes that SqlBoolean value you refer to... What drives me batty is that… How do I handle a SQLBoolean value in VB? Programming Databases by john.knapp … (CBool(retval.SqlValue)) ...` I get an exception `Conversion from type 'SqlBoolean' to type 'Boolean' is not valid` How should I be… Re: How do I handle a SQLBoolean value in VB? Programming Databases by AleMonteiro Did you import `System.Data.SqlTypes` ? Re: How do I handle a SQLBoolean value in VB? Programming Databases by john.knapp `Imports System.Data.SqlTypes` made no difference, but in debugging I could see the Value property, which was not an available property in Intellisense. It turns out that SqlValue.Value is a late binding property. I can only use `If(CBool(retval.SqlValue.Value)) ...` (and I still have to use CBool() because of my compiler settings) if I disable my… Reading bit type sql server db column from dataset Programming Software Development by adarshcu …[CODE]rivate Active As SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Public Property Actv() As SqlTypes.SqlBoolean Get Return Active End Get Set…(ByVal value As SqlTypes.SqlBoolean) Active = value End Set End Property[/CODE… Re: Reading bit type sql server db column from dataset Programming Software Development by sandeepparekh9 change below in you code: [CODE] .Actv = dr.GetBoolean(11) [/CODE]