Does usleep consume CPU cycles? Programming Web Development by Dani Someone posted a comment in the [php usleep manual]( that usleep() consumes CPU cycles whereas sleep() and time_nanosleep() do not. Is this true for PHP 7.x? Re: Does usleep consume CPU cycles? Programming Web Development by rproffitt I am not an expert on this but recall a few things. First, implementation, version and host OS dependent so you can not make a blanket statement except there are cycles consumed in any sleep() I've seen in decades. Now are said cycles consumed in sleep() entirely? Back to implementation, OS etc. There are long priors here with lots of … LCD Control Module Program! Programming Software Development by Strange&Evil … ) { if( attempts < max_send_attempts) { usleep(10000); // 100 ms attempts++; } else { return…bufsize) { if( attempt < max_read_attempt ) { usleep(1000); attempt++; } else { break; } } … pthread example program Programming Software Development by spetro3387 …&count_cond_mutex); nCount = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&count_cond_mutex); usleep(1000); //FOO - do work here or last running thread …&count_cond_mutex); nCount = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&count_cond_mutex); usleep(1000); //FOO - do work here or last running thread … Error during compiling for C++ code Programming Software Development by petero_l …1-r)); cout << total1 << endl; usleep(100000); if (k == t) { cout << …1)*d)); cout << total << endl; usleep(100000); if (n == x) { cout << …1-d)); cout << total << endl; usleep(100000); if (n == x) { cout << … help debug .... 2 processes not going Programming Software Development by jaeSun … #%i is currently crossing the drawbridge.\n", northID); usleep(pausetime); //end CS //************************* //unlock bridge sem_post(&bridge_s… #%i is currently crossing the drawbridge.\n", southID); usleep(pausetime); //end CS //************************* //unlock bridge sem_post(&bridge_s… Guys, plese just one more time help me Programming Software Development by dondajr … (!fbuffer) { //Dorme 1/10 de segundo usleep(1000); //Forca retorno ao loop continue; } … a dados no arquivo, dorme 1/10 de segundo usleep(1000); //Força inicio do loop continue; }… Process Scheduler problem in UNIX Programming Software Development by lotrsimp12345 … repeat this multiple times. We are only supposed to use usleep in the jobgeneration() function. We are having trouble sleeping and…;linePowerUser<<endl; output<<lineUser; output.close(); usleep(50); } } void jobScheduler(){ int i = 0; int n = 0; int… Make an array from mysql results. Single column. Programming Web Development by reco21 ….. [CODE]<?php $request = trim(strtolower($_REQUEST['login'])); //sleep(2); usleep(150000); $users = array('asdf', 'Peter', 'Peter2', 'George'); $valid = 'true'; foreach… like below.. [CODE] $request = trim(strtolower($_REQUEST['login'])); //sleep(2); usleep(150000); $users = array( ); $query = mysql_query("SELECT login FROM members… Re: Make an array from mysql results. Single column. Programming Web Development by reco21 …) [CODE] <?php $request = trim(strtolower($_REQUEST['login'])); //sleep(2); usleep(150000); $users = array('asdf', 'Peter', 'Peter2', 'George'); $valid = 'true'; …('error'); $valid = 'true'; $request = trim(strtolower($_REQUEST['login'])); //sleep(2); usleep(150000); $users = array( ); $query = mysql_query("SELECT login FROM members… SEG FAULT when trying to close ofstream Programming Software Development by sidvb1 … IO */ void Logger::DeleteInstance() { usleep(100000); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); run =… written++; //delete request; } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); usleep(1000); } } /* * @param * @return * @… Re: slow down program output Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA …want to know, how long are you setting `sleep()`. `usleep()`, and `nanosleep()` for, repsectively? While `sleep()` takes an… argument in seconds, `usleep()` takes one in microseconds, and `nanosleep()` (as the name…has frozen; OTOH, an argument of `99999` for `usleep()` (just under 1/10 of a second) would be… pass multiple inputs to proc_open pipe in php Programming by Iikeloa … = ""; while($n < 3) { echo $commands[$n]; usleep(1000); fwrite($pipe[0], $commands[$n] . PHP_EOL ); fflush($pipe[0…]); usleep(1000); while($out = stream_get_contents($pipe[1]) && !feof($… Re: Delay Programming Software Development by TkTkorrovi … time which scheduler gives to a program, is 5 milliseconds. usleep is defined in unistd.h, and implements delay in microseconds… none of these functions are part of the standard c, usleep and select are part of the POSIX standard, and g_usleep… Re: difficulty in providing delay in gcc compiler Programming Software Development by Salem Well did you take account of the fact that usleep takes MICROSECONDS? delay(1000); and usleep(1000); will wait for different times. Re: Process Scheduler problem in UNIX Programming Software Development by lotrsimp12345 … queues. The new jobs can be simple print and sleep/usleep operations. The job queues may be stored in an external… Re: Make an array from mysql results. Single column. Programming Web Development by reco21 …;../dbcon.php"); $valid = 'true'; $request = trim(strtolower($_REQUEST['user'])); usleep(150000); $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE user=\"… Re: slow down program output Programming Software Development by COKEDUDE I looked at the man pages and saw those were the maximum values of usleep() and nanosleep(). With sleep I thought I would get a normal 5 seconds. I am working on a modified version of game of life. It is hard to see if it is doing what I want with how fast it is going. usleep(1000000); nanosleep(999999999); delay(3000); sleep(5); until help Programming Software Development by jan1024188 … (a == b) printf("%d\n second ", a); a++; usleep ( 990000 ); printf("\n\n hvala ker usate ta pgr… Delay Programming Software Development by tu_m.aimes Is there a delay function for C? I'm using usleep, but I just found that somewhere on the net and if I get asked about it, I won't be able to explain or even name which library I'm calling it from. Is there a delay function in time.h? If so, what is it and how do you use it? Please Help - Reading a file in efficient manner Programming Software Development by anjaliraman …) { if( !m_streamSyslog.getline(pBuffer, nMaxMsgLen) ) { if( m_streamSyslog.eof() ) { m_streamSyslog.clear(); usleep(100000); } return false; } return true; } void SyslogReader::validateTrap(const string… difficulty in providing delay in gcc compiler Programming Software Development by harry pottervs … linux i dont know how to provide delay.I used usleep() function but i cant see the successive movement of balls… serial communication RS 232 Programming Software Development by snehapatil …("written: %d%d\n", sCmd[0]); close(fd); usleep(30000); fd = 0; fd = open( "/dev/ttyS0" ,O_RDONLY… Problem Passing Sturcture Object To Queue - Linux? Programming Software Development by gsuraj02 …<<rcs<<endl; return 0; } while(1) { usleep(1600); } } [/code] Multicasting only works on same machine (urgent) Programming Software Development by MadSkyrim …;sendto() sent a different number of bytes than expected"); usleep(pulse * 1000); } [/CODE] Any ideas? Linux sleep(); Programming Software Development by Slacked … then writes out the complete sentence. I've tried the usleep and nanosleep functions as well, but no satisfaction. Input without hitting enter Programming Software Development by petteyg … main() { char c; int i=0; nonblock(NB_ENABLE); while(!i) { usleep(1); i=kbhit(); if (i!=0) { c=fgetc(stdin); if… Dining Philosopher Code Has problems Programming Software Development by bohongtw … (true) { sleep(1); for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { usleep(1000); printf("%d: %-8s ", i, philosophers[i].status… PHP sockets from remote host Programming Web Development by Kalphiter …;. $file[1] ."]"); echo("Beep sent\n"); } usleep(10000); socket_set_block($sock); $read[0] = $sock; for($i = 0; $i… how to check if semaphore is lock efficiently Programming Software Development by neti1987 … the main thread locked the first semaphore - break the loop. usleep(1); // else - wait milisecond and check again. } // continue for the…