gp04lch 0 Light Poster

hey guys,

recently i ran into a problem. here's the scenario.

i'm currently doing a tabbed mdi control and for each form added into the tabcontrol, i have a delegate events in the form to inform the main form when the form text changes in order to update the title displayed (for example: adding data, editing, viewing...).

my problem came to light when i:
1. added a form into the tab control (no problem).
2. register delegate event to the main form. (no problem)
2. called a dialog box from this form, which has a link to another form. (no problem).
3. add this new form into the tab control by means of reference (no problem).
4. register delegate event to the main form (?? how do i do this? i'm no longer in the main form where i can register events).

the reason why i cant directly register this event into the dialog box is obvious, the dialog box will close after i click on the link to another form.

what i want to know if i can somehow register this delegate event to the main form via the dialog box.

thanks in advance.