Hello there,

Sorry, unfortunately python parsing is not my main activity, it does not print the last block of the statement.

i should get:
*elset, elset=top_s1
1, 2, 3, 4
*surface, name=top, type=element

If i add in the test2 file a line such as *surface, name=bot, type=element then it does print it, what can i change in order to fix it

zip file contains the input file

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import re
import fileinput
import math

surfaceFound = False

text = f.readlines()

e1 = []; e2 = []; e3 = []; e4 = []; e5 = []; e6 = []
s1 = []; s2 = []; s3 = []; s4 = []; s5 = []; s6 = []
set_name = ""
otherLine = []
lineTrik = []

for index, lines in enumerate(text):
    nline = lines.strip()
    surface = "*SURFACE" in lines.strip()
    element = "TYPE = ELEMENT" in lines.strip()
    digit = lines.strip().split(",")[0].isdigit()
    under = lines.strip().startswith("_")
    stopParse = "*End Part" is lines.strip()
    HM = lines.strip().startswith("**HM")
    HW = lines.strip().startswith("**HW")
    S1 = lines.strip().endswith("S1")
    S2 = lines.strip().endswith("S2")
    S3 = lines.strip().endswith("S3")
    S4 = lines.strip().endswith("S4")
    S5 = lines.strip().endswith("S5")
    S6 = lines.strip().endswith("S6")
    if surface:
        starSurf = nline.split(",")[0].strip()
        nameSurf = nline.split(",")[1].split("=")[1].strip()
        typeSurf = nline.split(",")[2].strip()
        elsetName = nline.split(",")[1].split("=")[1].strip()
        surfaceFound = False
        for set_name in elsurf.keys():
            finalSet.append("*elset, name = %s_%s\n" % (card_name, set_name))
            for line in [elsurf[set_name][i*16:(i+1)*16] for i in range(0,(len(elsurf[set_name])/16)+1)]:
                if line:
                    eset = ",".join(line).strip()
                    finalSet.append("%s\n" % (eset))
            final_block.append("%s_%s, %s\n" % (card_name, set_name, set_name))
        (this_card_name, card_type) = (nameSurf, element)
        if this_card_name and element:
            surfaceFound = True
            card_name = elsetName
            surfType = typeSurf
            final_block.append("*surface, name=%s, %s\n" % (card_name, surfType))
    elif (S1 or S2 or S3 or S4 or S5 or S6) and under == False:
        surfaceFound = True
        value = nline.strip().split(",")[0].strip()
        key = nline.strip().split(",")[1].strip()
        items = elsurf.setdefault(key, [])

    elif under:
        underLine = nline
        final_block.append("%s\n" % underLine)
    elif stopParse:
        endParse = nline
        final_block.append("%s\n" % endParse)
    elif HM or HW:
        other = nline
        otherLine.append("%s\n" % other)
for i in otherLine:
    print i.strip()
for i in finalSet:
    print i.strip()
for i in final_block:
    print i.strip()

There is no way to make heads or tails of this code for those of us who don't know what you are trying to do. Some general suggestions

1. Break this code into functions and test each function
2. instead of surface = "*SURFACE" in lines.strip()
   and then if surface:  (which means nothing to anyone reading the code)
   just use if "*SURFACE" in lines.strip(): as it is obvious what the test is
3. nameSurf and elsetName are the same, i.e. [1] (obviously you did not test this)
        starSurf  = nline.split(",")[0].strip()
        nameSurf  = nline.split(",")[1].split("=")[1].strip()
        typeSurf  = nline.split(",")[2].strip()
        elsetName = nline.split(",")[1].split("=")[1].strip()

   instead use: interim_list = nline.split(",") i.e. one split instead of many
        starSurf  = interim_list[0].strip()
        nameSurf  = interim_list[1].split("=")[1].strip()
4. instead of
    S1 = lines.strip().endswith("S1")
    S2 = lines.strip().endswith("S2")
    etc. and
   elif (S1 or S2 or S3 or S4 or S5 or S6) and under == False:
   ending = lines.strip()[-2:]
   elif (under==False) and ending in ("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6"):
5. and similarly replace
    HM = lines.strip().startswith("**HM")
    HW = lines.strip().startswith("**HW")
    elif HM or HW:
    if lines.strip().startswith("**HM", "**HW"):
6. eliminate all of the many lines.strip() call with one
    line_strip = lines.strip() and use line_strip

Small typo I think:
if lines.strip().startswith("**HM", "**HW"):

should be

if lines.strip().startswith(("**HM", "**HW")):

And same way you can use:

elif not under and line_strip.endswith(("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6")):

and the not under you can eliminate if you move the branch one down after

elif under:


Sorry my bad.

what the code should do is to parse the attached file, read and print (I should say wrote into a file) all the line before it reaches the first "*SURFACE", once there read each line and group it in the keys (s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6) and write a line on top of each group, as follow:

*elset, elset = namesurf_keys

then if there are other "*SURFACE" but followed by "_" print as follow:
*SURFACE, (and whatever else is in the line)
_ElsetName, keys

then stop once reaches *END PART

thanks for all the suggestions and I will make all the modes tomorrow and post the revised code

Small typo I think:
if lines.strip().startswith("**HM", "**HW"):

should be

if lines.strip().startswith(("**HM", "**HW")):

It's good to have multiple pairs of eyes checking things.

This should be enough to start things off, but I'm not sure about what is to be done with the "S1", "S2", etc. output.

def process_group(group_list, fp_surface, fp_underline):
    result = test_for_underline(group_list, fp_underline)
    if not result:
        tup_of_Sx = ("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6")
        for rec in group_list:
            rec_split = rec.strip().split(",")
            if ending in tup_of_Sx:
                idx = tup_of_Sx.index(ending)
                output_list = ["         " for x in range(6)]
                output_list[idx]="%9s" % (rec_split[0].strip())
                fp_surface.write("%s\n" % ("".join(output_list)))
            else:   ## headings
                for Sx in tup_of_Sx:
                    fp_surface.write("%9s" % (Sx))

def test_for_underline(group_list, fp_underline):
    """ see if there is a record that starts with an underline.
        If found, write to the underline file and return True
    for rec in group_list:
        if rec.strip().startswith("_"):
            return True

    return False

surface_found = False
end_found = False
group_list = []

fp_not_surface = open("./test_not_surface", "w")  ## records before *SURFACE
fp_surface = open("./test_surface", "w")          ## records after *SURFACE
fp_underline = open("./test_underline", "w")

fname = "./test2.inp"
fp_in = open(fname, "r")
for rec in fp_in:
    if "end part" in rec.lower():
        end_found = True
    if not end_found:
        if "*SURFACE" in rec:     ## process previous group of records
            surface_found = True
            if len(group_list):
                process_group(group_list, fp_surface, fp_underline)
                group_list = []
        if surface_found:
            if not rec.strip().startswith(("**HM", "**HW")):  ## omit these
        else:     ## records before the first "*SURFACE"

if len(group_list):
    process_group(group_list, fp_surface, fp_underline)


Perhaps you could take your input file test2.inp and write another file by hand with your exact expected output so that we understand what your program is supposed to do.

Thanks everyone for your contribution, long way to go before I am going to be able to code decently.

I attached what the result should be. the new parts are between lines of stars

Here is my suggestion of cleanup of original code, output is identical, except buggy test for end part ('is' instead of 'in') correction puts end part at end of output:

#!/usr/bin/env python

other_line = []

for index, line in enumerate(open("test2.inp","r")):
    line_strip = line.strip()
    splitted = [tostrip.strip() for tostrip in line_strip.split(",")]
    if "*SURFACE" in line_strip:
        # output previous collected block
        for set_name in elsurf:
            final_set.append("*elset, name = %s_%s" % (card_name, set_name))
            for line in [elsurf[set_name][i*16:(i+1)*16] for i in range(0,(len(elsurf[set_name])/16)+1)]:
                if line:
            final_block.append("%s_%s, %s" % (card_name, set_name, set_name))
        # resetting elsurf for this surface block
        this_card_name = splitted[1].split("=")[1]
        if this_card_name and "TYPE = ELEMENT" in line_strip:
            card_name = splitted[1].split("=")[1]
            surfType = splitted[2]
            final_block.append("*surface, name=%s, %s" % (card_name, surfType))

    elif line_strip.startswith("_"):

    elif line_strip.endswith(("S1","S2","S3", "S4", "S5", "S6")):
        elsurf.setdefault(splitted[1], []).append(splitted[0])

    # makes difference in output compared to original, as 'in' fixed
    elif "*End Part" in line_strip:

    elif not line_strip.startswith(("**HM","**HW")):

Little cleaner still to eliminate the this_card_name (here also numbers grouped little different way):

#!/usr/bin/env python
from itertools import izip_longest

other_line = []

for index, line in enumerate(open("test2.inp","r")):
    line_strip = line.strip()
    splitted = [tostrip.strip() for tostrip in line_strip.split(",")]
    if "*SURFACE" in line_strip:
        # output previous collected block
        for set_name in elsurf:
            final_set.append("*elset, name = %s_%s" % (card_name, set_name))
            numbers = []
            for number in elsurf[set_name]:
                if len(numbers) == 16:
                    numbers = []
            if numbers:

            final_block.append("%s_%s, %s" % (card_name, set_name, set_name))
        # resetting elsurf for this surface block

        if '=' in splitted[1] and "TYPE = ELEMENT" in line_strip:
            card_name = splitted[1].split("=")[1]
            final_block.append("*surface, name=%s, %s" % (card_name, splitted[2]))

    elif line_strip.startswith("_"):

    elif line_strip.endswith(("S1","S2","S3", "S4", "S5", "S6")):
        elsurf.setdefault(splitted[1], []).append(splitted[0])

    # makes difference in output compared to original, as 'in' fixed
    elif "*End Part" in line_strip:

    elif not line_strip.startswith(("**HM","**HW")):

This will only correct the 'end part' to end of file. I did not check yet your desired output.

Thanks again pyTony, I was working on cleaning up the code as suggested.

It is easier on the eye.


I haven t be able to make the script to write the last surface as specified in the zip file attached, as below.

*elset, elset=top_s3
4972, 4975, 4987, 4990, 4999, 5002, 5011, 5014, 5023, 5026, 5035, 5386, 5399, 5400 
*surface, name=TOP, TYPE = ELEMENT

I have tried to rap the main if loop into a while loop but i get either a infinite loop or nothing.

any pointers?



I haven t be able to make the script to write the last surface as specified in the zip file attached, as below.

*elset, elset=top_s3
4972, 4975, 4987, 4990, 4999, 5002, 5011, 5014, 5023, 5026, 5035, 5386, 5399, 5400 
*surface, name=TOP, TYPE = ELEMENT

I have tried to rap the main if loop into a while loop but i get either a infinite loop or nothing.

any pointers?


Here is a small program which does not completely write your output file, but if finds the surfaces of interest in your input file and collects the data for these surfaces. With a little more work, you should be able to produce your output.

from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import re
name_regex = re.compile(r"NAME\s*=\s*(?P<name>\w+)")
s_regex = re.compile(r"^\s*(?P<number>\d+)\s*,\s*(?P<s>S\d)\s*$")

def find_surfaces(lines):
    n = len(lines)
    for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.startswith("*SURFACE,"):
            match = name_regex.search(line)
            i = lineno + 1
            if i < n and s_regex.match(lines[i]):
                yield lineno, match.group("name")

def parse(filename):
    lines = open(filename).readlines()
    for lineno, name in find_surfaces(lines):
        print lineno, name
        D = defaultdict(list)
        for i in itertools.count(lineno+1):
            match = s_regex.match(lines[i])
            if match:
                number, s = match.group("number"), match.group("s")
        print dict(D)
        print "next line is ", i

if __name__ == "__main__":

""" my output -->
{'S2': ['203', '202', '200', '199', '198', '197', '196', '201', '195', '194', '192', '1593', '1592', '1589', '1590', '1587', '1591', '1586', '1585', '1588'], 'S1': ['6503', '6502', '6512', '6517', '6666', '6516', '6515', '6514', '6513', '6510', '6511', '8158985', '6507']}
next line is  75
{'S1': ['6503', '6502', '6512', '6517', '6666', '6516', '6515', '6514', '6513', '6510', '6511', '8158985', '6507']}
next line is  89
116 TOP
{'S3': ['4972', '4975', '4987', '4990', '4999', '5002', '5011', '5014', '5023', '5026', '5035', '5386', '5399', '5400']}
next line is  131

Edit: notice that lines are numbered from 0 in the program, so line 75 is line 76 in an ordinary editor...

Gribouillis thanks for your help. I will modify your script and try to get the output i need.

I was also looking for and explanation of why the script that i submitted, then edited, was not getting through the last iteration.


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