using namespace std;
int main()

    string str="time is a great teacher, but unfortunatly"
"it kills all its  puplis. Berlioz";
ofstream outfile("ali.TXT");//ERROR
for(int j=0;j<str.size();j++)
cout<<"file written\n";
return 0;

please correct my code"ofstream outfile("ali.txt")"

#Include<fstream> // should be #include (all lowercase)
#include<>        // what's this meant to be?

You should also check whether your outfile is open.

if (!outfile.is_open() )
    // print an error message if you like
    return 1;

After writing to outfile, close it: outfile.close();
Instead of writing the entire string character by character you could use:
outfile << str;

Also search these forums for tutorials on code formatting. It's far easier for both you and others to find errors when your code is well formatted.

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