JOSheaIV 119 C# Addict

Hey everyone some let me give a quick run down what I got here.

About a week ago I was with my family waiting to get a seat at a resturant (to watch the USA Woman's Soccer game). We had a long wait so I was watching my siblings play War (the card game). As they played I swear I was seeing patterns in which cards fought each other. So I ended up deciding to develop a piece of code that would have the computer play itself in war, storing each hand in a database.

I now have a working program that does this. The schema is

  • GameID (PK) - Allows for me to store multiple games in a table
  • HandNum (PK) - The hand # they are currently on, starting at 1 and resetting to each time a new GameID is created
  • Player1 - a number between 2 - 14, representing the player's card (11 - Jack, 12 - Queen, 13 - King, and 14 - Ace)
  • Player2 - same as Player1
  • Winner - a CompareTo value of the greater number (between Player1 and Player2)

So I have already started to gather data, and made sure to have a good random library (RandomOps, which includes the ability to be seeded from, and have even created a few views. One to show how many time player1's hand vs player2's hand (however if it's the other way around it's a new record I need to find a way to fix that) and a second that shows each game. How many hands were played, how many times player 1 won and player 2, and how many wars there were.

My question for you all, and this is more "let's have some fun to see what others think up", is what would you do with this data? Anyone here know some cool mathematical algorithms we could apply to this? What do you got? I mean the data is there, I just want to do some really cool stuff with it

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