Hi! I´m making a really big program of mail sending. However my last problem is the scrolling...
The scroll bar don´t react to the mouse wheel and only functions when focusing in the bar , And that´s not user-friendly. how Can I achieve to make the scroll bar react with the scroll wheel.

Here´s some relevant code:

>class Man_at_files(wx.Frame):####dont pay attention to this bad Indent### 
>def __init__(self,parent): 
>    super(Man_at_files, self).__init__(None,pos =(10,50), style = wx.MINIMIZE_BOX  | wx.SYSTEM_MENU | >wx.CAPTION|wx.CLOSE_BOX) 
>    self.parent = parent 
>    self.FrameUI() 
>    self.SetTitle('Files added') 
>    self.SetSize((350,600)) 
>    self.Show() 
>def FrameUI(self): 
>    bmp = wx.Bitmap("img/close.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY) 
>    panel = wx.ScrolledWindow(self,-1,style = wx.VSCROLL) 
>    panel.SetScrollbars(0, 1, 0, 1) 
>    panel.SetScrollRate( 1, 1 ) 
>    box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) 
>    bmp3 = wx.Image('img/file_man.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY).ConvertToBitmap() 
>    #####buttons,text,whatever###### 
>    panel.SetSizer(box)

You accidently used the quote tool on your code

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