please help me eliminate duplicating values Programming Web Development by masterjiraya …CODE] What the client user wants now is to eliminate duplicating values. One thread I posted yesterday was solved but I…/367519[/URL] again please help me how to eliminate duplicating values... it goes like this way... I have sample… function. I want now to know how to eliminate duplicating values because when I put Peter Griffin... the Peter… Duplicating text automatically for each page Programming Web Development by taparca I am totally self taught in html and a pure novice. I volunteer with a non-profit and I update their existing website. The website has a "Child of the Month" feature which appears on every page of the site. This feature needs to be changed monthly. I have been doing it manually page by page, but I am wondering if there is code that … Re: Duplicating text automatically for each page Programming Web Development by tgreer You can do this with a Server Side Include (SSI). The syntax depends upon what server you are running. Is the site run with ISS, Apache? Does the server support PHP, ASP, or what? A purely "client-side" technique is to write the content of that section of each page via a JavaScript, using document.write(). Include that JavaScript on … Re: Duplicating text automatically for each page Programming Web Development by peter_budo Another option is to use frames but not everybody likes to use them... Duplicating Ranking System Programming Web Development by skb0415 I have been struggling over this for about a week now. I am trying to duplicate a ranking system for a client so that it can be accessed privately and players can have a different rating from publicly. I have added new field to encompass my new information. Everything works out fine until I want to UPDATE the information and I then get this error:… Re: Duplicating Ranking System Programming Web Development by jsvanc [QUOTE=skb0415;890876] [CODE]elseIf msrankpriv <> "0" Then sSQL = "UPDATE memberSports SET msrankpriv = " & msrankpriv & " WHERE msMember = " & memberId [B][COLOR="Red"]Line 30[/COLOR][/B]---->objConn.Execute sSQL sSQL = "UPDATE memberSports SET mscheckspriv = " & … Duplicating Ctrl+C through button click Programming Software Development by goldenpete I am currently creating a small application that processes a line of text into several ouput lines using a C# Windows Form What I am looking for is a way to duplicate the actions of manually copying text through Ctrl+C, or right click, Copy, by the click of a button. In other words, how do I write to the clipboard/area that ctrl+c's text is … Re: Duplicating Ctrl+C through button click Programming Software Development by jmurph333 CTRL+C stores the selected item to the Clipboard, which has a class. [CODE]Clipboard.SetText("Text You Want in Clipboard");[/CODE] Re: Duplicating Ctrl+C through button click Programming Software Development by jmurph333 CTRL+C stores the selected item to the Clipboard, which has a class. [CODE]Clipboard.SetText("Text You Want Copied");[/CODE] Re: Duplicating Ctrl+C through button click Programming Software Development by CsharpChico To Store To ClipBoard read jmurph333's solution to retrieve clipboard text us Clipboard.GetText(); Re: Duplicating Ctrl+C through button click Programming Software Development by goldenpete Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for Duplicating TAB pages at run time Programming Software Development by toomutch Hi all, my current project shows a single page tabcontrol with a datagridview. I read names from a mysql table, and create an additional tab page for each person (there's only ever going to be half a dozen or so, so it should be manageable). I want to duplicate the controls on the first page onto each additional page as I add it. I have tried a … Re: Duplicating TAB pages at run time Programming Software Development by kingsonprisonic try this : [CODE] 'Load Engineer Names, and create one tab for each engineer Dim myEngineerCounter As Integer = 0 Dim myEngineerName(20) As String Dim myEngineerID(20) As Integer Dim myEngineerActive(20) As Boolean Dim dgvMonday(20) As DataGridView mySQLstring = "… Re: Duplicating TAB pages at run time Programming Software Development by toomutch That got it! thanks for the prompt reply Duplicating results Programming Web Development by Wolxhound90 Hey guys, I have this code which gets some reults from a table and displays them: echo "<table><tr>"; while($col = mysql_fetch_array($columns)){ echo "<th>".$col['COLUMN_NAME']."</th>"; } echo "</tr>"; $i=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($data… Re: Duplicating results Programming Web Development by desup Can you please provide your mysql query? It looks fine I think. And if not, i've little bit strange solution. But just for last chance. Re: Duplicating results Programming Web Development by Wolxhound90 my $data query is: $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$table) or die(mysql_error()); Re: Duplicating results Programming Web Development by Biiim `mysql_fetch_array()` pulls the resource as an associative array and as a numbered array, try changing it to `mysql_fetch_assoc()` Re: Duplicating results Programming Web Development by Wolxhound90 ahhh yes. Thank you very much, works perfectly :) Duplicating Applet Images Programming Software Development by sonicx2218 I made a creature composed of shapes in a Java Applet. I want to basically copy and paste the creature I made so I have say 7-8 copies on the same applet. but in different locations. Is there an easy way besides copying the entire code, and moving each coordinate by the same amount? Thanks Re: Duplicating Applet Images Programming Software Development by NormR1 Can you explain what you want to copy? Is it the image that is displayed on the screen? Use the Robot class to capture the screen and then write it to a disk file. What do you mean by "copies of the same applet"? Are you talking about java classes that extend the Applet class? Please explain what you are trying to do Re: Duplicating Applet Images Programming Software Development by sonicx2218 import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class extracred extends JApplet { Container c; public void init() { c = getContentPane(); c.setBackground(Color.white); } public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); int radius, x = 150, y = 220; g.… Re: Duplicating Applet Images Programming Software Development by NormR1 Please explain what "drew the code" means? Did you mean: drew the shapes? Are you asking about the calls to the draw... methods in the paint() method? Do you want to call the draw methods with different x,y locations? How are the x,y locations shown in the posted code related? Can you write an expression to compute the x,y locations for… Re: Duplicating Applet Images Programming Software Development by zeroliken > but I don't want to have to copy and paste and slightly change the coordinates of each one you mean you wan't them to have the same dimensions but positioned in different parts of the applet right? > I want to basically copy and paste the creature I made so I have say 7-8 copies on the same applet. Is it an image or made with … Re: Duplicating Applet Images Programming Software Development by sonicx2218 I guess I'll just make copies by copying the shapes I drew and moving the coordinates. Re: Duplicating Applet Images Programming Software Development by NormR1 How do you "copy the shapes"? Do you mean copy the source code that draws the shapes? If all the shapes are unique, then you would need unique code to draw each shape. If the shapes are the same but at different locations, then a make a method to draw the shape and pass it the location where the shape is to be drawn. Re: Duplicating Applet Images Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Norm's advice makes perefect sense. Alternatively, if you are going to be doing a lot of these drawings (eg animation) then you can create a new BufferedImage, get its Graphics, and draw your Shapes into that Graphics. Now you have your creature as a simple Image that you can draw with a single method call wherever/whenever you want. Re: Duplicating Applet Images Programming Software Development by sonicx2218 > make a method to draw the shape and pass it the location where the shape is to be drawn That sounds like a good idea. The thing is I'm not very good enough to figure out how to do that. Could you give me any hints/tips on how I can go about doing this? Re: Duplicating Applet Images Programming Software Development by NormR1 Create method that takes 3 args: Graphics object, x and y. Move the draw methods from the paint() method to the new method. Change the calls to the draw methods to use the x and y values passed to the method. You should use the double buffering provided by Swing. Define a new class that extends JPanel and move the paint method (renamed to … Re: Duplicating Applet Images Programming Software Development by sonicx2218 O Alright that helps so much! Thanks for all the help even though I'm such a noob.