Re: c++ min max function issues Programming Software Development by vmanes `maxValue(valArr[x],Size);//error here` You are passing a discrete value (an element of the array) to the function that is expecting the array iteself. Try `maxValue(valArr, Size);` Re: Need help with a Fibonacci output menu Programming Software Development by jonsca maxValue is still fine. See for example: the 5th number the series is 3. What does 3 have to do with the number of iterations? Nothing. Incrementing the fib value doesn't make much more sense. So create something named count and compare if it's [U]less than[/U] maxNum. Poker Game Help Programming Software Development by geekgirl2011 …}; int i, numberOfPlayers, numberOfHand = 0, j, numberInHand2 = 0, maxValue = totalHandValue[1]; int handValue, highCard; srand(time(NULL)); printf("…lt;= numberOfPlayers; i++){ if(totalHandValue[i] > maxValue){ maxValue = totalHandValue[i]; } } if(maxValue == totalHandValue[1]){ printf("Hand One is the… create animation using runnable interface Programming Software Development by Pravinrasal …; xb=xa+maxValue/2;yb=ya; xc=xb;yc=yb+maxValue/2; xd=xa+maxValue;yd=yc; maxValue=20*incValue;…out.println("maxvalu with incValu>>"+maxValue); Font f=new Font("serif", Font…300); xa=xa+maxValue; xb=xa+maxValue/2; yb=ya; xc=xb; yc=yb+maxValue/2; xd=xa+maxValue; yd=yc; … JFormattedText Fields and db : Decimal data type conflict Programming Software Development by ceyesuma … return minValue; } public double getMaxValue() { return maxValue; } public int getDecimalPlaces() { return decimalPlaces; …oldValue = maxValue; maxValue = value; propertySupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_MAXVALUE_PROPERTY, oldValue, maxValue); verifier.… Java Applet works on viewer but not in html Programming Software Development by elkowalski …) { data[k]=0; } } try{ if(maxvalue>=data[k]){ }else{ maxvalue=data[k]; } }catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception)…; multiresize=1; } //System.out.println(data[k]); } maxvalue=RoundOff(maxvalue); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; Font font1 = new … warning and errors after compiling Programming Software Development by Wolter888 …;i++) //determin max/min values zero line { MaxValue = (InputBuffer[i] > MaxValue) ? InputBuffer[i] : MaxValue; MinValue = (InputBuffer[i] < MinValue)… ? InputBuffer[i] : MinValue; } // determine zeroline OffsetValue = ((MaxValue - MinValue)/2) + MinValue; // Setup the zeroline with // the Offset for… Passing Variable to another Class Programming Software Development by kelela …(values == null || values.length == 0) return; double minValue = 0; double maxValue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i… { if (minValue > values[i]) minValue = values[i]; if (maxValue < values[i]) maxValue = values[i]; } Dimension d = getSize(); int clientWidth = d… Help On Code Breakdown Please! Programming Software Development by JavaOwnsMe … (values == null || values.length == 0) return; double minValue = 0; double maxValue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i…++) { if (minValue > values[i]) minValue = values[i]; if (maxValue < values[i]) maxValue = values[i]; } Dimension d = getSize(); int clientWidth = d… help! matrix Programming Software Development by alexa868 …, char* argv[]) { double matrix[conROWS][conCOLS]; double maxvalue[conROWS]; double finalvalue; int r,c; srand(clock() …;conCOLS; c++) { if(matrix[r][c] > maxvalue[r]) maxvalue[r] = matrix[r][c]; }; std::cout <<…0; r<conROWS; r++) { if(maxvalue[r]>finalvalue) finalvalue = maxvalue[r]; } std::cout << "… Re: help! matrix Programming Software Development by alexa868 …, char* argv[]) { double matrix[conROWS][conCOLS]; double maxvalue[conROWS]; double finalvalue; int r,c; srand(clock() …;conCOLS; c++) { if(matrix[r][c] > maxvalue[r]) maxvalue[r] = matrix[r][c]; }; std::cout <<…0; r<conROWS; r++) { if(maxvalue[r]>finalvalue) finalvalue = maxvalue[r]; } std::cout << "… Java help with arrays Programming Software Development by kenjiro310 … (value == null || value.length == 0) return; double minValue = 0; double maxValue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i…++) { if (minValue > value[i]) minValue = value[i]; if (maxValue < value[i]) maxValue = value[i]; } Dimension dim = getSize(); int clientWidth = dim… Math.max prob???...XD Programming Software Development by upstream …, double n2, double n3) { /* double maxValue = n1; if(n2 > maxValue) maxValue = n2; if(n3 > maxValue) maxValue = n3; return maxValue; */ return Math.max(n1,Math… Going insane, please help! Programming Software Development by warchilo … = Gwin.getWidth(); // establish max height double scalex; double scaley; double maxvalue; // number of plots on graph double out_val; bool finish = false… { out_val = cube(count); ((scalex*count),(height-(scaley*cube(maxvalue))), 5); } } count = count+1; Keyboard.getch(); return 0; } double cube… How to create IDX file out of DBF file in java Programming Software Development by oliver_lundag …; private int Value = 0; private int maxValue = 0; NumberFormat NoFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();….getInt(1); } rsh.close(); st0.close(); maxValue = max; jProgressBar.setMinimum( 0 ); jProgressBar.setMaximum… Control Properties Programming Software Development by Patrickfrog1 …Here is my code: Public Class myTrackBar Inherits Control Private MaxValue As Integer = 100 Private Ticks As Integer = 20 ….X = 10 Else Rect.X = Math.Min(Math.Max(((value / MaxValue) * (Width - 20)) + 10, 10), Width - 20) Invalidate() … Creating a GUI Wrapper for VLC Media Player in python/wxpython Programming by Reverend Jim …sldVolume = wx.Slider(self, wx.ID_ANY, value=50, minValue=0, maxValue=200) #Set display element properties and layout self.__set_properties() self…sldVolume = wx.Slider(self, wx.ID_ANY, value=50, minValue=0, maxValue=200) self.timer = wx.Timer (self) #Set display element … Sorting character arrays! Programming Software Development by auronvi …; index < elems; index++) { if (array[index] > maxValue) { maxValue = array[index]; maxIndex = index; } } array[maxIndex] = array[startScan…]; months[maxIndex] = months[startScan]; array[startScan] = maxValue; months[startScan] = tempMonth[maxIndex]; } } void showArray(int array[], … Sorting arrays. Having difficulty. Programming Software Development by C++freak …BaseStruct base[], int elems){ int startScan,maxIndex; SalesStruct maxValue; for (startScan = 0; startScan< (…elems; index++) { if (base[index].snow_depth > maxValue. snow_depth) { maxValue = base [index]; maxIndex = index; } } … Re: Sorting arrays. Having difficulty. Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ … int elems) { int startScan,maxIndex; SalesStruct maxValue; for (startScan = 0; startScan< (… index++) { if (base[index].snow_depth > maxValue. snow_depth) { maxValue = base [index]; maxIndex = index; } … Conditional Operator Programming Software Development by DoEds … main(String[] args) { int uInput1,uInput2,uInput3; int maxValue; uInput1 = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"<1&…|| uInput1 > uInput3)? +uInput1: +uInput2; maxValue = (uInput2 > uInput1 || uInput2 > uInput3)? +uInput2: +uInput1; maxValue = (uInput3 > uInput1 || uInput3 > … Re: How to find the max/min in an array. I am 99% close to finishing. Programming Software Development by asyk …quot;); scanf("%d", &input); minvalue = input; maxvalue = input; while (input != 0){ numbers[i] = input…=0;j<i;j++){ if (numbers[j] >= maxvalue){ maxvalue = numbers[j]; } if(numbers[j] < minvalue){… LoWord HiWord Syntax Programming Software Development by Unhnd_Exception …Button1.Click Dim LngWord As Long = LngMakeWord(Integer.MaxValue, 65489) Dim LoLng As Integer = LngLoWord(… As Short Return CShort(word And Short.MaxValue) End Function Private Function IntHiWord(ByVal word… As Integer Return CInt(word And UInteger.MaxValue) End Function Private Function LngHiWord(ByVal word… Building and sorting an array from user input - GNU Assembler Programming Software Development by lxricher …sorted array:" newline: .asciz "\n" maxvalue: .int 1000 format: .asciz "%d" …$message call printf addl $4, %esp pushl $maxvalue pushl $format call scanf addl $8, %esp …movl $buffer, %edi movl maxvalue, %edi pushl maxvalue pushl $output call printf addl $8, … Declare and Instantiate Objects: Arrays Programming Software Development by smash92 …} public void selectionSort() { int maxIndex;; int maxValue;; for (int i=0; i<data.…length-1; i++) { maxIndex = i; maxValue = data[i]; for (int index = i +…; data.length; index++) { if (data[index] > maxValue) { maxValue = data[index]; maxIndex = index; } } data[maxIndex] … No Errors but no output either. Programming Software Development by LinaClark … random class NonRepeatingRandom(object): def __init__(self, maxvalue): self.maxvalue = maxvalue self.used = set() def next(self):…(self.used) >= self.maxvalue: raise StopIteration r = random.randrange(0, self.maxvalue - len(self.used)) result … having runtime error.please help. Programming Software Development by pem ….size()-1; b++) { int temp = v[b]; if (temp >= maxValue) { if (b < 10) { cout << " * "; } else… Re: Understanding byte.Max/MinValue Programming Software Development by Suzie999 …switch (pos) { case 0: b &= byte.MaxValue ^ (1 << 0); break; case 1:…); break; case 7: b &= byte.MaxValue ^ (1 << 7); break;… Re: Math.max prob???...XD Programming Software Development by upstream …;Blue"]double[/COLOR]) [code] double maxValue; maxValue = Math.max(n2,n3); return Math.max(n1,maxValue); [/code] i can't say no… Re: printing the maximum value using Array Programming Software Development by rubberman …; using namespace std; int main() { int maxArray[10]; int maxValue=0; for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { … = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(maxArray[j]>maxValue) { maxValue=maxArray[j]; } } cout << "The highest value is…