2 Topics

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I'm trying to compile some code in Visual C# Express. Would someone please have a gander and help me out by giving me a brife explanation of why I'm getting an error "oleDbDataAdapter is not in the current context"? From my understanding (which must be wrong) oleDbDataAdapter is part of …

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Member Avatar for tgreer

First, sorry for posting this here, but I couldn't find a VBScript forum on Daniweb (which I find surprising). I'm working with binary data in several different projects. Below is an example of code that works to retrieve a static map image (PNG) from Google: [CODE]strFileURL = "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?markers=2200+S+Western+Ave+Lisle+IL&zoom=14&size=400x400&sensor=false" Set objXMLHTTP …

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The End.