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Dear Daniweb, I just got the following [HTML5 music player](http://www.audioplayerhtml5.com/player_blackControllers_WithoutPlaylist_Ex1.html), which gets it's music from a list I provide in HTML like this: <ul> <li class="xtitle">Follow Me Here B</li> <li class="xauthor">Author Name</li> <li class="xsources_mp3">audio/adg3com_freeform.mp3</li> <li class="xsources_ogg">audio/adg3com_freeform.ogg</li> </ul> <ul> <li class="xtitle">This is Freeform C</li> <li class="xauthor">Author Name</li> <li class="xsources_mp3">audio/wm_follow_me.mp3</li> <li class="xsources_ogg">audio/wm_follow_me.ogg</li> …


The End.