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Member Avatar for jijo cleetus

Hi All, Any body know how to convert EML files to Doc or MSG with proper formatting Many thanks in advance

Web Development asp.net
Member Avatar for ariascott
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

First I want to say that my only interest in the technical details of web development are from an end user perspective. I usually go to [this site](https://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca) to get my weather forecasts. Their current display format is to present the forecasts horizontally but it will likely be changing soon …

Web Development html-css ui-ux
Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for pyeri

Greetings Folks! I had signed up on Daniweb many years ago but never bothered to seriously post until now. Only when the "social networks" of the world like Reddit and Quora and Twitter started disappointing me beyond the usual excruciating limits did I decide to explore some other programming forums …

Web Development codeigniter jquery php
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ianhaneybs

I have text that is displayed from a database and I have managed to remove the first h3 tag in the text by using the following code but I would also like to remove the two <br> tags that are before the paragraph of text <h2 class="productsummaryheading mb-0">Product Summary</h2> <?php …

Web Development php regex
Member Avatar for simhakidsden
Member Avatar for Admin907

I'm trying to understand what schema markup code is and how it works. From what I've gathered, it's a way to help search engines understand the content on a webpage better, but I'm not entirely sure how it's implemented or what benefits it provides. Can someone explain in detail: 1. …

Web Development html-css javascript
Member Avatar for Umar_35
Member Avatar for pyeri

Folks, We already know about CodeIgniter and its enormous capabilities as a PHP framework, this very site being a testament of it. But what about an even smaller micro-framework for PHP? Something along the lines of Flask or Bottle? Something you can use to develop things like REST API, prototyping …

Web Development php
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

I was consistently receiving MySQL "Packets out of order" error messages when attempting to connect to MySQL, mostly on my AJAX pages, but I couldn't attribute it to anything or reproduce it in any way. I did notice, however, that when switching MySQL persistent connections from on to off, the …

Web Development mysql
Member Avatar for Haseeb_12
Member Avatar for Dani

DaniWeb is built on top of the Codeigniter 3.1.x PHP framework. Although I probably should have built it as a CI model, here is the database library that we are using. You can see it mainly serves as a wrapper for CodeIgniter's built-in database class. You can see we use …

Web Development codeigniter php
Member Avatar for pyeri
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

How can I include objects in each other using PHP OOP? I have 3 classes all classes make use of one another. I am trying to call them on `__construct` but it's creating an infinite calls to one another. How can I solve this?

Web Development php
Member Avatar for aishamushtaq
Member Avatar for Dani

Just as the title states, do non-web based email clients (e.g. Microsoft Outlook) respect CSP HTTP headers? Specifically, I want to prevent hotlinking of images hosted on my domain within HTML emails with these HTTP headers: Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-origin Vary: Origin

Web Development
Member Avatar for Ethanbrody
Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hi All, Good day. I am trying to develop a roster for my team in Microsoft Power Apps. We are 6 teammates which do the duty in following format. SUMMERS: 6A, 6B, 11A, 11B, 12A, 12B WINTERS: 7A, 7B, 11A, 11B, 1A, 1B. Please note that in every shift there …

Web Development microsoft
Member Avatar for akkbkht
Member Avatar for jkon

I don't love Reddit , in fact before Google started to slap it on my face few months ago , I had many years to been there for a simple reason· I didn't liked their format nor their way of "building" a programmers community. Now everything I search in Google …

Web Development seo social-media
Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for ianhaneybs

I want to display different html tags on the php page they are visiting, for example on the homepage and the computer shop basildon page I want the html tag `<section class="testimonal-two pt-0">` and on all other pages I want the code `<section class="testimonal-two">` Below is the code I have …

Web Development html-css php
Member Avatar for ianhaneybs
Member Avatar for alexanderrm2024

Hello everyone, I have a task in which I would like to implement the graphical visualisation of a quadratic equation in the interval x =[-10,10] and - if any exist - the corresponding zeros, using CanvasRenderingContext2D methods. To convert the coordinates into pixel coordinates within the canvas: the coordinates into …

Web Development javascript
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

I want to understand how I can add an SDK to my PHP projects to make APIs calls. I noticed that every software company have an SDK. I also noticed that most SDKs use Composer. I don't know what composer is and do I need to have it for every …

Web Development api javascript php
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for david.tigner

About a year ago, I had a similar issue except then system would crash after pressing Submit. The issue was caused because of PHP 8 incompatibility problems. However, got the coding to fix all of that and things worked good again and with PHP 8. But now something new is …

Web Development php
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Kirubel_2

<!DOCTYPE html> <html style="font-size: 16px;" lang="en"><head> <title>Comment</title> <script src="js/jquery.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="sign.css"> </head> <body class="u-body u-overlap u-xl-mode" style="background: url(img/arcane.png);" data-lang="en"> <div class="container" style="text-align:left;margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom:30px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;background: #fff;" > <div class="title">Registration</div> <form action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" > <div class="user-info"> <div class="input-box"> <span class="text">First name</span> <input type="text" name="firstname" placeholder="Enter Your firstname"> …

Web Development html-css
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for nander

Hello I am trying to query a database to show records only for the current user using variable I get the correct data but only 1 row with results any guidance? // Query database to retrieve records associated with the user $sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE variable_name = …

Web Development mysql php
Member Avatar for Chris_103
Member Avatar for ndonetimok

Hello guys, please can someone explain to me how i can know the framework of any website on the internet. I know how i can detect wordpress but other framework are hard for me. Please i need assistance on this.

Web Development javascript
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

Hello, I am somewhat new to APIs. I have integrated PayPal payments successfully. With PayPal, I can send the user to the payment page using an HTML form. Here is an example ... <!-- PAYPAL --> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="POST" name="_cart"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart" /> <input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1" /> …

Web Development api html-css
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

Hello webmasters, I am currently building a template that I am going to sell on different websites like Codester and CodeGrape. I want to build a business directory. Here is what I have come up with ... 1. users can register and add listings. 2. admin can create categories for …

Web Development mysql php
Member Avatar for antwanlee
Member Avatar for Dani

I think that I understand the difference between: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback_fn); and: window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { ... }); However, as a jQuery user, what is the difference between DOMContentLoaded and the jQuery ready fn?

Web Development html-css jquery
Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Adolfo_1

I have problem with this htaccess in STATIC URL RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^readlex/(.*)$/?$ readlex.php?slug=$1 [NC,L] **DINAMIC URL** work fine only with defined CONSTANT: Example <a href="<?php echo BASE_URL.READ_LEX ?>Le-mura-di-Lucca">Lucca</a> Result = localhost/mysite/readlex/Le-mura-di-Lucca **STATIC URL** not work (??) <a href="localhost/mysite/readlex.php?slug=Le-mura-di-Lucca">Lucca</a> Result = localhost/mysite/readlex.php?slug=Le-mura-di-Lucca">Lucca ***Unfortunately I can't insert the php CONSTANTS in …

Web Development apache php
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Read a Book

Hello everyone i want to disable the automatic swipe effect on my product page on this site https://kupisi.mk the lib is called lightgallery i am not able to find the line of code to turn it off for 2 days i need fresh pair of eyes !! :S i made …

Web Development html-css javascript
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Troy

This is a simple to use, self-contained website slideshow utility. Do you have a monitor or TV setup in your lobby where you'd like to present web content automatically? With this HTML/Javascript page, simply edit an array of pages or "slides". You define a title, duration, and URL for each …

Web Development javascript
Member Avatar for PROSYS_1
Member Avatar for Dani

What was wrong with good ole using SMTP? Has anyone here successfully used an XOAuth library for PHP? Specifically, I'm looking to connect to my Office 365 mailbox.

Web Development email php
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Naija kid_1

Hi, Goodday everyone, I'm new to web development, please if I had questions, could I ask on her for a help reply?

Web Development html-css image java
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for A_957

The error message I've encountered is; ERROR:root:Error generating model response: exception: access violation writing 0x0000000000005140, which seems to be indicative of an access violation exception that occurred within my application. This type of error apparently usually points to a problem where the code attempted to write to a protected memory …

Web Development javascript
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

I am trying to create a meme generator similar to imgflip.com I know javascript but not sure how to implement this. I want users to be able to move text around the canvas using mousemove event listener. But I am not sure if they are moving the text on the …

Web Development html-css javascript
Member Avatar for kimnancy
Member Avatar for Dani

I, very hackily, create an object of type stdClass as so: $arr = array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat' ); $obj = json_decode(json_encode($arr)); How can I now quickly add a third property to $obj without PHP getting angry?

Web Development php
Member Avatar for Dani

The End.