registeration form Programming Web Development by sidra 100 … in validating form. i have three files one is registeration form. other is geting value from form and storing … eror and its not validating. tell me wat to do // registeration [CODE] <html> <head> <…bodyText"><form id="" name="registeration" method="post" action="get_user_data.php… i need registeration plugin for wordpress Programming Web Development by sameh gamal Hi every one i need registeration plugin for wordpress which work because i use many plugin but not work successfully Re: registeration form Programming Web Development by Zagal Hi, you just redirect to errors.php but you don't send data there. So in "get_user data" under code where you set variables add something like this: [code] $_SESSION['name'] = $name; $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['password'] = $password; $_SESSION['rep_password'] = $rep_password; $_SESSION['adress'] = $adress; $… Re: Please guys help me with the validation in the registeration form. I did th Programming Web Development by moha_1990 could you please tell me how I can contact you ? Im gonna send you, the code, and the database file my major project discussion will be this tuesday and i still cant add the validation for the registeration form registeration form: user availability check Programming Web Development by avsparmar i am building a web chat application for mobiles. Registration form for new users currently includes username , password , re-enter password and a submit button to send all to a form bean. i am having problem to create a link or a button to send the input of 'username' textfield to some servlet to check user availability from database. So that the … Re: registeration form: user availability check Programming Web Development by sbhavan Use AJAX to solve your problem. on firing the onClick event of your button call the AJAX function and it will hit the database and check for the availability of the user name. registeration page help Digital Media UI / UX Design by nomisf1 HI im trying to added extra fields to my register.php , but i keep getting a error message saying 'Error:user not added to database' I've simply tried to edit the original code using the same methods used for the previous fields yet it still doesn't work. im sure my mysql database is setup fine i just think its got something to do with how i … Re: registeration page help Digital Media UI / UX Design by emhmk1 have you setup the additional rows in the database? Re: registeration page help Digital Media UI / UX Design by nizuya You should try posting this in the php section on the forum. You might have more success. registeration problem Programming Web Development by Nirmeen Ased what's the wrong with it ..?[code]<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="14pt" Font-Underline="True" ForeColor="White" onclick="LinkButton1_Click" PostBackUrl="~/دخول.aspx">تسجيل الدخول</asp:… Re: registeration problem Programming Web Development by stbuchok I don't know, what's wrong with it? Maybe you should give a little explanation as to what the problem is. Re: registeration problem Programming Web Development by Nirmeen Ased it's OK now .. i figure it out .. thanx .. registeration form Programming Web Development by sidra 100 hi m making aregisteration form for employees. n validate its some very basic field. but the problem is that if i enter wrong it shows me the error and says click here to refill as told by me but when i enter the correct data even then it shows click here to refill the form instead of saying that it is succesfuly saved. my code for geting data … Re: registeration form Programming Web Development by cereal It seems ok but I don't see the form, so check if there is something different between field names and $_POST vars. Bye :) Re: registeration form Programming Web Development by sidra 100 found the lies on line55 of first file. there should be "==" instead of "=" :-) Registeration Error Programming Web Development by Aser Gado Hello, how's everyone? I have created a page with a form for registration and and another php to process the registration and create the rows in the database, but the processor comes with errors. here is the PHP file: [CODE]<?php include 'dbconnect.php'; mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (firstname, lastname, email, password) … Re: Registeration Error Programming Web Development by pritaeas Check your database credentials. The connect probably failed, thus triggering all these query errors. Apart from that, line 5 runs a query for which you do not capture the result. Line 8 runs another, possible empty query. Re: Registeration Error Programming Web Development by Aser Gado EDIT: I edited it this is my new code now: [CODE] <?php include 'dbconnect.php'; $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (firstname, lastname, email, password) VALUES ('$_POST['firstname']', '$_POST['lastname']', '$_POST['email']', '$_POST['password']')"); if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . … Re: Registeration Error Programming Web Development by pritaeas [CODE] $sql = "INSERT INTO users (firstname, lastname, email, password) VALUES ('{$_POST['firstname']}', '{$_POST['lastname']}', '{$_POST['email']}', '{$_POST['password']}')"; [/CODE] Re: Registeration Error Programming Web Development by Aser Gado EDIT 2: Everything works fine now, thanks. Registering system, Unwanted behavior Programming Software Development by Silvershaft …() { initComponents(); this.setLocation(800, 400); this.setTitle("Registeration"); this.setResizable(false); } /** This method is called …jLabel4.setText("Password:"); jLabel5.setText("Registeration Key:"); Proceed.setText("Proceed"); Proceed… Object not found! The requested URL was not found on this server. Programming Web Development by danny2 … to my database whenever i try to make i data registeration i always get this error:Object not found! The requested… error, please contact the webmaster. Error 404 this is the registeration file `<?php include('config.php') ?> <!DOCTYPE html… Re: Registration Form with confirmation or welcome email after sign up Programming Web Development by Mannan_3 …work on its own, however integrating it with the registeration form is the main issue as I don't…sends an email to myself as confirmation that the registeration was successful. The client used to host this is…); // Set email format to HTML $mail->Subject='Registeration Successful'; $mail->Body='Thank You for registering with … Not responding when run.. Programming Software Development by hao90 … p -> status3(); } void registeration() { cout<<"Enter …; cin>>selections; SA.registeration(); cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); getchar… fstream & read file problem Programming Software Development by hao90 …deposit(); void registeration() { fstream…gt; footer2(); if(selections == 1) { BA -> registeration(); } else if(selections == 2) { BA -> … Re: login problem.. Programming Software Development by hao90 … password, password2; public: void login(); void registeration(); }; void bank::registeration() { cout<<"Enter loginID:… banking.close(); } int main() { bank b; b.registeration(); cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); getchar(); return 0; } … [PHP SOAP] Help me on SoapServer::setPersistence() Programming Web Development by lil_jacy … SOAP. I am trying to to create a simple user registeration and login form. The login and register function works well…($this->rusername)||empty($this->rpassword)) { $output="Invalid registeration! <p><a href=http://hostc.localhost/register… How to change Primary key 1 instead of WIN1 Programming Databases by jmckumar …;th>Room Charge</th> <th>Registeration</th> <th>Total Expense </th…;/td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['Registeration'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>… JAVASCRIPT not working in PHP_SELF action form Programming Web Development by prabhjitsw … problem is that it's not working. Now in my registeration form when i enter a wrong email id for e…;author" content="" /> <title>Doctor Registeration Form</title> <script language="javascript"… login page Programming Web Development by sidra 100 …;<a href="../../../Users/dfff/Documents/Unnamed Site 3/registeration.php">REGISTER</a></p>…: customer.php"); exit(); }else { //Login failed header("location: registeration.php"); exit(); } }else { die("Query failed"); } ?>…