2 Topics

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Member Avatar for EchoSeven

hello. my MySQL database corrupts the database when ever i start, stop, or restart the service. i am on a laptop.. and this is for testing.. so, i have to stop the server to be able to do other kinds of work and take my laptop to school, work, and …

Member Avatar for EchoSeven
Member Avatar for artemis_f

I am trying to attach an XML Schema to a document as mentioned here: [url]http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2099/word_2007_attach_xml_schema/[/url] However I am having trouble attaching the schema(s) in question. I am wondering if anyone can shed light into possible reasons this is happening. The XML Schemas I am trying to attach are these: [url]http://www.ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-Lifecycle/3.1/XMLSchema/[/url] …


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