Re: Extract Tabular Data from PDF Images using Hugging Face Table Transformer Programming Computer Science by Harini sri Hi, Thank you so much for the above code. Its giving better results compared to other libraries. I have few questions. In some tables, I have common column name for three columns and further I have sub columns like below.... in these cases the tables are not getting extracted properly...Do you have any suggestions for handling such cases? Also … Extract Tabular Data from PDF Images using Hugging Face Table Transformer Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …=target_sizes)[0] return results results = detect_table(image) results ``` **Output:** ``` {'scores': tensor([0.9993, 0.9996], grad_fn=<IndexBackward0>), 'labels… define the `get_table_bbox()` function, which prints the labels, confidence scores, and bounding box coordinates for the detected tables. The function… Scores Programming Software Development by deleti0n …;Average is " + average); System.out.println("Number of scores above or equal to the average " + numOfAbove); System.out… Re: Scores Programming Software Development by vasu d [CODE]do { String scoreString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter a new score"); score[count] = Double.parseDouble(scoreString); sum += score[count]; } [U][COLOR="red"][B]while (score[count++] >= 0);[/B][/COLOR][/U] [/CODE] The highlighted line is where you have got it wrong. You are … Re: Scores Programming Software Development by deleti0n solved i got it thanks for the help having trouble with scores arraylist Programming Software Development by blake81 … = scores[1] + scores[2] + scores[3] + scores[4] + scores[5] + scores[6] + scores[7] + scores[8] + scores[9] + scores[10] + scores[11] + scores[12] + scores[13] + scores[14] + scores[15] + scores[16] + scores[17] + scores[18] + scores[19] + scores[20… Re: having trouble with scores arraylist Programming Software Development by blake81 okay figured out what the error was, I am suppose to call in scores object instance instead of scanner. Re: having trouble with scores arraylist Programming Software Development by blake81 but then I got this error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 20 at Scores.averages( at Scoresclient.main( Help With Michael Dawson C++ High Scores Program Programming Software Development by nathan.pavlovsky …> scores; scores.push_back(1500); scores.push_back(3500); scores.push_back(7500); cout << "\nHigh Scores:\n"; for (iter = scores.begin(); iter != scores.end(); ++iter… test scores Programming Computer Science by Kenny_1 …a user=defined number of test scores. once all scores are entered, the array should be… enough to hold that many //test scores scores = new double[numScores]; if (scores == NULL) return 0; //Get…) << ": "; cin >> scores[count]; while (scores[count] <= 0) { cout << "… Re: Import scores.txt into array and make calculations Programming Software Development by urbandad70 … < size; i++) { // sum up all the scores sum = sum + scores[i]; } min = scores[0]; max = scores[0]; for(j = 0; j < size… Re: Import scores.txt into array and make calculations Programming Software Development by urbandad70 … < size; i++) { // sum up all the scores sum = sum + scores[i]; } min = scores[0]; max = scores[0]; for(j = 0; j < size… c++ test scores - dynamically allocating arrays Programming Software Development by eternaloptimist … array large enough to hold that many //test scores scores = new float[numScores]; if(scores==NULL) return 0; //Get the test score for…; ( count + 1 ) << ": "; cin >> scores[count]; while (scores <=0) { cout << "Zero or negative… How can I obtain the highest and second highest scores in this C++ program? Programming Software Development by andrew mendonca … i = 0; i < scoreCount; i++) cin >> scores[i]; getTopTwoScores(scores, scoreCount, highestScore, secondHighestScore) ; cout << highestScore <<… Re: test scores Programming Computer Science by Kenny_1 …(double *, int); void showAverage(double, int); int main() { double *scores, total = 0.0, average = 0.0; int numScores; cout … + 1) << ": "; cin >> scores[count]; while (scores[count] <= 0) { cout << "Zero or… multiform students and scores Programming Software Development by EvilLinux …foreach (student s in Students) { foreach (int score in s.Scores) { totalScores += score; totalCount++; } } return totalScores / totalCount; } public int scoreCount() { return… Re: multiform students and scores Programming Software Development by DdoubleD … list too... this.index = index; this.Scores = Scores; InitializeComponent(); //this.CurrentScore.Text = this.parentForm… at constructor)... UpdateScoreForm updateScoreForm = new UpdateScoreForm(index, scores); // Create form and show modeless! (ShowDialog())...… How do I return the highest and second highest scores in this C++ program? Programming Software Development by andrew mendonca …; secondHighest) { highest = scores[1]; secondHighest = scores[2]; if(highest == secondHighest) { highest = scores[numScores]; secondHighest = scores[numScores]; } if(numScores == 1) { highest = scores[0]; secondHighest = scores[0]; } } Here… Re: Help With Michael Dawson C++ High Scores Program Programming Software Development by JasonHippy …. It all seems to be doing what it should! The scores are created, the search for a score works OK, the… bear in mind is that the example only has three scores in it, so it is highly possible that from time… was already in. You could try pushing a few more scores into the vector, that should make the results a bit… test scores #2 Programming Computer Science by crazyninja247 …(double *, int); void showAverage(double, int); int main() { double *scores, total = 0.0, average = 0.0; int numScores; cout … + 1) << ": "; cin >> scores[count]; while (scores[count] <= 0) { cout << "Zero or… Re: Arrays (game scores) Programming Software Development by NinjaLink …int highscore (int highestscore, int scores[][cols]) { while (inData>>scores) { int scores; int highest; int highestscore; highestscore = scores[0]; for (int i… Re: How do I return the highest and second highest scores in this C++ program? Programming Software Development by andrew mendonca …secondHighest = 0; if(numScores == 1) { highest = scores[0]; secondHighest = scores[0]; } for (int i = 0; i <…{ highest = scores[i]; scores[0] = highest; } if(scores[i] <= highest && scores[i] > secondHighest) { secondHighest = scores[i]; scores[1] = … Re: How can I obtain the highest and second highest scores in this C++ program? Programming Software Development by nullptr … (numScores == 1) { highest = secondHighest = scores[0]; // nothing else to do return; } …; i++) { if(scores[i] > highest || scores[i] > secondHighest) { if (scores[i] > highest… Re: Arrays (game scores) Programming Software Development by NinjaLink …} } } int highscore (int highestscore[][cols], int scores[][cols]); { while (inData>>scores) { int scores; int highest; int highestscore; highestscore = high_score[0… Re: Arrays (game scores) Programming Software Development by NinjaLink …;endl; sum = 0; } } } int highscore (int scores[][cols]); { while (inData>>scores) { int highestscore; scores = highestscore[0]; for (int i = 0… Re: Arrays (game scores) Programming Software Development by NinjaLink …0; j<cols; j++) sum+=scores[i][j]; team_avg_scores = sum/cols;…{ while (inData>>scores[2][4]) { highestscore = scores[2][4]; for (int … Re: multiform students and scores Programming Software Development by EvilLinux … have passed in the student object whose scores are to be modified: [icode]scoreupdate scoreupdateFrm…e) { int index = scoreList.SelectedIndex; int updateScore = Scores[index]; updatescores_update updateScoresUpdateFrm = new updatescores_update(); updateScoresUpdateFrm.ShowDialog(); }… How do I calculate the variance of the scores in this C++ program? Programming Software Development by andrew mendonca … endl; return 0; } Here is my solution: double getStandardDeviation( double scores[], int numScores, double mean) { int sum; int variance; for(int… i = 0; i < numScores; i++) { sum += pow(scores[i] - mean,2); } variance = sum / numScores; return sqrt(variance); } … Re: How do I return the highest and second highest scores in this C++ program? Programming Software Development by andrew mendonca Is this what you meant? void getTopTwoScores(double scores[], int numScores, double& highest, double&…lt; highest; i++) { highest = scores[1]; secondHighest = scores[2]; if(highest == secondHighest) { highest = scores[numScores]; secondHighest = scores[numScores]; } if(numScores == 1)… Re: How do I return the highest and second highest scores in this C++ program? Programming Software Development by andrew mendonca … something else I need to add/fix? void getTopTwoScores(double scores[], int numScores, double& highest, double& secondHighest) { highest …= 0; secondHighest = 0; if(numScores == 1) { highest = scores[0]; scores[0] = secondHighest; } for (int i = 0; i < numScores; i…