GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by snah19 … # clean debri gmake clean # Redirect both stdout and stderr to separate .err files exec > >(tee -ia gcca.txt) 2… Re: Can someone please advice me for hoe can i prevent xss attacks ? Programming Web Development by webhostingworld Minimize the use of inline JavaScript within your HTML code. Instead, use external JavaScript files and scripts to separate content from functionality.Ensure that sensitive cookies have the HttpOnly and Secure flags set. Re: Multi-domain SSL certificate can secure all domains? Hardware and Software Networking by Jhon_25 … SSL certificate. This simplifies administration and reduces costs compared to separate certificates for each domain or subdomain. Re: How many users return to your site? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani … habits. For me, I would probably not go to a separate website just looking for memes, but maybe that’s just… Re: How to Code a Load More Button? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani … be surprised to know that, under the hood, there are separate HTML pages for page 1, page 2, page 3, etc… Re: GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by Reverend Jim I can't offer any suggestions other than to just download the compiled app for your system instead of building it yourself. Re: GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by rproffitt Here's another problem. When we change the OS not only must we setup the compiler, environment and such but sometimes an OS API could be deprecated or removed. You made mention of a possible OS change so that's a possibility. You obtained this code from somewhere. Go back there and see if they updated it for your new OS. Re: GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by toneewa While I haven't used DJGPP for a couple decades, I decided to install the ffmpeg library and do a test program another way. For me, the declarations worked changing: #include "os_support.h" #include "avformat.h" #include "internal.h" #if CONFIG_NETWORK #include "network.h" #… Re: How can I separate negative and positive numbers Programming Software Development by Narue Separate [i]how[/i]? Do you want them in two different arrays? Do you want to print them on two different lines? Do you want the negative numbers to sing and the positive numbers to dance? Be specific, or don't complain when nobody helps you. Re: Help regarding multi-threading Programming Software Development by CrazyDieter separate threads use different stacks (the part of the memory that … Re: The name 'srvr' does not exist in the current context Programming Software Development by dickersonka Separate out the classes, and create a singleton [code] public class … Re: Basic Classes.. Need help! Programming Software Development by Lerner … file into two separate files. The .h file should contain lines 1-22 of … Re: Database Indexing Programming Software Development by kvprajapati … the [I]ID[/I] and [I]JobID[/I] are two separate indexes and don't use UINT column if a MEDIUMINT… Re: Float/Double to String conversion Programming Software Development by WaltP Separate the number into 2 values at the decimal. Convert the numbers into single integers using / and * and % Convert each single digit to character (add 48) Load the character values into your output array Re: c++ program.. plz helppp .. Programming Software Development by Sci@phy Separate printout to the screen in: dots before numbers and number. So, first, if you are in row 0 (first one) the dots should be invert from that (like some_value - nr_of_row), so if you go down the dots should decrease (some_value you have to figure out yourself). And after dots just print numbers with some_other_value space after them Re: converting a number to a string Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Separate the number to the units you want to represent with division, mod, etc. Then use an array or map to translate the digits to words. Re: Need advice for creating Table Programming Databases by peter_budo Separate tables, it will make your life easier for the tracking purposes, also if you really want you can extend this beyond two tables... Re: How to send data to 1 email? Programming Web Development by almostbob Separate the email and database processing at the moment the email … Re: Is this Normalized??? Programming Databases by Ramy Mahrous separate Exhibition and Art tables, I think the relation should be many-to-many so you need to use bridge table Re: Passing Variable to another Class Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Separate class for the graph is OK. This code f.getContentPane().… Re: Determining whether an input contains two characters entered consecutively Programming Software Development by nezachem Separate reading digits and constructing a number. Something like [CODE]int … Re: Divide this code up into different .java files please!! Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Separate the mortgage logic & calculations from the user interface. Put them in their own class, with its own variables, and provide public methods that the user interface can call to set the variables and get the calculated mortgage figures. Now you have 2 classes; put each one in its own file. Re: How to constantly update a database table efficiently? Programming Software Development by masijade Separate your GUI code from your DB code. "paintComponent" should [i]never[/i] have anything directly to do with a DB (nor should any other part of a GUI component class). Re: airline reservation relationship Programming Databases by Ezzaral Separate them based on what data is completely intrinsic to each. What information about the customer applies to them whether they are on or off of a plane? Similarly, what data about the flight would apply even if there were no passengers on it? Re: What wrong with my source? Programming Software Development by alexchen Separate the numbers with a white space. [CODE]#include <math.… Re: How to compress my project? Programming Software Development by codeorder >>"Separate in different DLL " It seems to me that you should create DLL's from the Modules and Classes and use the DLL's to run your app from. I have not worked with DLL's in projects, created a few samples, though I do believe that you add them as a Reference to the project. Re: What would be the most logical and efficient approach Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Separate the model from the view... Start with a CookingTimer class that implements all the required functionality as public methods (no user interface of any kind). Test/debug it by hard-coding calls to those methods and printing the results. Then, and only then, write a GUI and/or other UIs to front-end it. Re: How to seperate two languages(English,Hindi) in python Programming Software Development by Slavi Separate each line by spaces into words, then run each word against english dictionary Re: separate integer into individual units Programming Software Development by Traicey …;iostream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; void separate(int n) { stringstream s; char c; s << n… << "enter number: "; cin >> n; separate(n); // calling separate function cout << endl; } [/code] Separate Compilation Programming Software Development by g_loughnan Hi Guys&Gals, Just wondering, when using separate compilation, should the class definition and method definition(s) for a derived class be put in separate header and source files from the base class? Thanks, Ger.