8 Topics

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Member Avatar for Prashant_4

dear friends, I am a beginner in c programming and I have learned the c++, java as well, In C I have been asked for a question about how to convert lower case string like any name into uppercase, and i have read a program for it by pointers and …

Member Avatar for naveen1993
Member Avatar for gruntler

I am trying to make a program that generates source code for a much larger program for simple reversal encryption. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Here is my code so far: #include<stdio.h> int main() { FILE *fp; fp=fopen("d:\\crypt.h", "w"); fprintf(fp, "char out[8];char cur[8]; char con[255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255];/n if cur==con …

Member Avatar for gruntler
Member Avatar for abhishekagrawal

Dear All, I have written a code to implement an algorithm for base conversion from decimal to any base between 2 and 36 given in RG Dromey. Below is my code and I have a few questions relating to it: [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { int newbase,zero=atoi(0),q,ndigit=0,r,ascii,i; char newrep[100]; …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for AmerJamil

i am having problem in type casting,the result of the following code is giving -64, however it should be 192, why this is so? [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a; a=char (192); cout<<a; return 0; } [/CODE]

Member Avatar for MandrewP
Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi, I have inherited a project from a colleague and have an intersting problem. The project attempts to deserialize a type 'Client' into a new 'Client'. [CODE] Client mainClient = null; using ( stream = File.Open(resourceFilePath, FileMode.Open)) { BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter(); mainClient = (Client)bin.Deserialize(stream); } [/CODE] this throws …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for o0mkh0o

Hello! Im having a problem with the following code structure. The code compiles without problems but when i start the program i get an "exception: __non_rtti_object at memory location...". In the constructor of the model-class i still can get the object information of the node-class through the base pointer. Once …

Member Avatar for o0mkh0o
Member Avatar for Skeen

Okay, I'm making a shooter game, and all my weapons are differnt userdefined objects; ie. the flamethrower works differently then the gun, however, I'm calling some functions in my "main", an example of this would be; [CODE] /* <Init> */ MachineGunClass *CurrentWeapon; MachineGunClass *MachineGun; MachineGun = new MachineGunClass(); CurrentWeapon = …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Acegikmo

[B]This has been solved! Look at the end of this post.[/B] Hello! I'm having some trouble here with polymorphism, as I need to access methods in a subclass from an array of superclass objects. This method is called parseCommand(Command c); The method exists in the superclass and is overridden in …

Member Avatar for masijade

The End.