Claude 3 Opus Vs. Google Gemini Vs. GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …Output:** ``` Total exception count: 0 CPU times: total: 312 ms Wall time: 54.5 s ``` The about output shows that the…:** ``` Total exception count: 0 CPU times: total: 250 ms Wall time: 49.4 s ``` The GPT-4 model took 49…0 Accuracy: 0.71 CPU times: total: 141 ms Wall time: 3min 8s ``` The above output shows that the… Re: Wall Object in Java Programming Software Development by cool_zephyr … with the top-left coordinates of your wall; int iconWidth=width_of_your_icon; int iconHeight=height_of_your_icon;… check if your player collides with the wall Iterator it=wallCoords.iterator(); while(it.hasNext…<=(coord.getX()+iconWidth)) //collision with wall on x-axis occurred //do same checking… wall stud detector development Programming Computer Science by chris.burr.56 I am an Open University design student and I have no software devlopment knowledge. I would like to know if it is possible to modify an existing wall stud detector that uses ultra-wide band radar, so that the recieved radar waves could be trasnsposed into an image on a screen of what is behind the wall? Wall Object in Java Programming Software Development by Petranilla In Java programming a game like with maze like structure. How do we check collision with wall? Anyone who knows how the wall object work? Many thanks--Petranilla Re: Wall Object in Java Programming Software Development by Petranilla Hi Cool, Many thanks. I'm using image icon for the background. Hor do I check the wall? Below is the snippet on how I'm checking by getting the values of set bound: if (x>=20 && x<=80 && y>=-5 && y<= 60 ) sw=1; else sw=0; It will be long and tedious. Any thoughts? Petranilla Wall Street Best Bet? Video Game Makers Programming Game Development by Brian.oco I have to admit, on my perch here overlooking Wall Street, of the industries traders typcially jawbone about, video games … Geithner Speaks, Wall Street Grumbles, Intel's All In Community Center by Brian.oco …last night, pretty much on the same subject. Clearly, Wall Street didn’t like what it heard from either gentleman…," writes Crescenzi. What did Geithner say to drive Wall Street down today? Summing up, he laid out the …in Arizona, New Mexico, and Oregon. You’d think that Wall Street, once again, would approve. After all, the new… Million pound wall for sale on eBay, delivery not included Community Center by happygeek … in the street art world, the guerrilla artist Banksy. The wall, and the work of art, is situated on the world… piece, featuring an artist painting the name Banksy upon the wall, was complete. You can view the item yourself, either on… be that people are not really that interested in a wall with some graffiti on, or maybe it's the small… facebook like Wall script Programming Web Development by mrcniceguy …m trying to archive something like facebook,twitter wall Display. I have a friend table,inside it…include"config.php";//db connection /****display feeds,wall*********/ $query="SELECT ,feeds.action ,…['names']; if($statusid){ //check if wall status echo"$hisname updated his wall $status<br/>"; }… quering the database for wall like facebook display Programming Databases by mrcniceguy …m trying to archive something like facebook,twitter wall Display. I have a friend table,inside…"config.php";//db connection /****display feeds,wall*********/ $query="SELECT ,feeds.action …names']; if($statusid){ //check if wall status echo"$hisname updated his wall $status<br/>"; … Re: Million pound wall for sale on eBay, delivery not included Community Center by lasher511 I wonder what actually gives this guy the right to sell that wall in the first place. Re: Million pound wall for sale on eBay, delivery not included Community Center by happygeek He owns it. The wall is part of his business property, Banksy just happened to pitch up and put his piece upon it... Much Ado About Apple: What Will it Take to Make Wall Street Happy? Hardware and Software Hardware by Techwriter10 … quarter for Apple, but apparently not for the geniuses on Wall Street. While Apple sold almost a million iPhones in the… a few. Whatever it is, it seems to me that Wall Street is focusing entirely on the wrong thing and my… at bargain prices. Let’s face it, although many on Wall Street may be shuddering (probably pulling out their iPhones right… How To Solve This Facebook's Like Wall Problem? Programming Web Development by samsons17 … at this point,my problem is I cant get the wall writing back the "Whats on your mind?" in…. [ATTACH]19029[/ATTACH] And this is the javascript for the wall : [CODE] var searchLabel = $('#tab1 form label').remove().text(); $('#message_wall').addClass… Face fan page wall post using php SDK Programming Web Development by praveencrony … details are posted in my facebook fan page wall. I am using PHP SDK. Some times…'ll get user acces token for posting on the wall try { $page_info = $facebook->api("…quot;<h2 align='center'>Sucessfully Posted On Facebook Wall</h2>"; } else { $status = … Book Review - SEO Book by Aaron Wall Digital Media Digital Marketing by pulse …]Yeah! [b]But that was until[/b] I read Aaron Wall's SEOBook. Before I actually talk about the book let… stumbled across a thread discussing the SEO Book by Aaron Wall. Everyone had good words to say about this book. So… Watch out for the Church of Trojan, and Facebook wall spam Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … paying attention to the postings that appear on their message wall within the popular social networking site. It appears that spammers… posting deceptive message containing links to spam sites on the wall instead. Fortinet warns that by using genuine profiles to distribute… Solar Energy Technology Spreading Sunshine on Wall Street Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco … solar energy is generating a rising amount of buzz in Wall Street trading pits, with young companies like First Solar Inc… very well.” Grossar’s on to something. After all, on Wall Street, it’s all about catching the next big wave… Simple Solutions Could Prevent Future Wall Street Meltdowns Hardware and Software Networking by Techwriter10 … so, that the government has to step in and save Wall Street from itself, but I was discussing the matter with… dialog boxes and prompts, which perhaps could prevent the next Wall Street disaster from ever happening. Stranger things have happened, that… commenting on wall posts Programming Databases by arunss … trying to create a message and commenting system (like facebook wall). I have two tables messages -------- mid creator_id message created_date ---------------------------------------------------- 1… comment should be in the first order (same as facebook wall). Can I access this with a single query. Is my… C++ or cURL solution for posting on own Facebook wall via a Windows app Programming Software Development by Amir_6 …, a "status" is posted on the user own wall. So I created a facebook app on https://developers.facebook… have to permit to my app the access to his wall. So I decided to make a 'Authorise access to your… Re: Can I use a wall mount on this monitor? Hardware and Software Hardware by Xlphos Looking at it I would have to say that it doesn't look like you can wall mount it; There doesn't appear to be any place to attach a wall mount. I would suggest emailing them though, if they don't know, don't buy it. Re: C++ or cURL solution for posting on own Facebook wall via a Windows app Programming Software Development by Amir_6 ok forgot about the curl command, I think my access_token does no longer exists. Also forgot about the facebook application I created on . I just want, from my C++ application running on windows, to post on own facebook wall. I can use cURL executable application. What are the steps? Fire wall question Hardware and Software Information Security by dcc Does Mcafee anti virus program include a fire wall, and if it does, is it worth augmenting it with something like Zone Alarm? Data Update Wall Smack Programming Software Development by Toulinwoek … pretty effectively using C# 2005 Express. I just hit a wall, though, and I need a little help, please. I have… candy wall like Digital Media UI / UX Design by amarula25 I wonder if you can help me i have this website. i want a script like if you click a image a overlay must display without leaving the content like on [url][/url] on her candy wall. can this be done? Can I use a wall mount on this monitor? Hardware and Software Hardware by ingeborgdot@yah I am looking to put a wall mount on this monitor. I can't find any info anywhere if it will work. [url][/url] Re: Can I use a wall mount on this monitor? Hardware and Software Hardware by caperjack if you look at the picture of the back of the lcd ,in the round part of the stand attachment you can see 2 screws ,guessing there are two more below where you cant see ,i would guess yes you could use wall mount ! but just a guess Re: Can I use a wall mount on this monitor? Hardware and Software Hardware by chemicaldave I own this monitor. To answer one theory, yes there are two screws that attach the monitor to the stand. This allows the monitor to come free. Revealing this [url][/url] Judging by looking at various wall mounts I'd say this is mountable. Mirror mirror on the wall, which is the safest browser of all? Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … have adapted in typical pantomime form: mirror mirror on the wall, which is the safest browser of all? Well, based upon…