Lets make each other laugh with something funny (pic/meme/joke/etc.)

I will begin with this meme.

Your turn

cproger commented: :) +0

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Twinkle twinkle little star...
How I wonder what you are?
When you know what you are?
Mental hospital is not so far...

@vinnitro, that was actually a good one lol.

classic insult:

At a dance party,

Boy: I find you are sitting alone here. Will you dance with me?

Girl: I don't dance with kids.

Boy: Oh sorry aunty, I don't know you are pregnant... :p

This is a mean joke (towards bill gates)...

Bill gate's wife figured out why he named his company Microsoft after the wedding :D

Friend: What's the time?
Programmer: Now();

Friend:Another beer?

             answer='yes please';
             answer='no thanks';

@tonyG cyprus... genius lol

@<m/>.... must be more?.....

Here is another joke.

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to your house. Knock knock. (your response) who is there. (knocker's response) the chicken.

My friend made this one (a little quality lost in resize):


Lol, that looks like me when i have those problems!


I have some jokes,

Yo mama so fat, I took a picture of her last Christmas and it's still printing. :) Get it?
Yo mama so poor, the ducks throw bread at her. You get it? we through bread at ducks and because she is so poor the ducks throw bread at her.

Yo mama so poor, the ducks throw bread at her. You get it? we through bread at ducks and because she is so poor the ducks throw bread at her.


Yo mama is so poor that when i saw her kicking a box down the street and i asked her why she was doing that, she said she was moving.

Or, yo mama is old that Moses is in her yearbook.

Yo mama is so poor that when i saw her kicking a box down the street and i asked her why she was doing that, she said she was moving.

lol that was funny!

I got some more,

Yo Mama so fat when she went to the movies she sat next to everyone

Yo mama so stupid she thinks taco bell is a mexican phone company

How about this one.

Yo mama is so fat that when the whales saw her they said, "we are family!".

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