A whale's penis is called a dork.

Although the international system of units is widely accepted, there is still not much agreement when different coutries refer to very large numbers.
I prefer the short scale, altough in my country the long scale is used.
Short scale seems much more logical to me.

In 1966 in a controlled study, 26 people chosen for creativity in their fields (such as a theoretical mathematician, an electronics engineer, a furniture designer, and a commercial artist) were given controlled doses of LSD to see if the drug could increase their creativity. Seveeral of the innovations resulting from the study included a mathematical theorem for NOR gate circuits, a conceptual model of a photon, a linear electron accelerator beam-steering device, a new design for the vibratory microtome, a technical improvement of the magnetic tape recorder, blueprints for a private residency and an arts-and-crafts shopping plaza, and a space probe experiment designed to measure solar properties. Source

About half of all cyber crime is committed by insiders.

It's one thing to have an official state bird or tree, however, Tennessee's James Van Huss has decided to go one step further by introducing a bill to make the Barrett Model 82A1 rifle the official state gun. Source

He has also introduced a bill to allow anyone to carry a gun without a permit.

In the country of Iceland beer was banned until March 1, 1989.

Today is PI day!

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, in the Kingdom of Württemberg in the German Empire on 14 March 1879. A Pi day!

Pi is the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 1, and is the first letter of the Greek word perimeter."

On Sunday, March 15, 2015, the first dot.com ever registered will be 30 years old. It is www.symbolics.com and, yes, the domain still works to this day (even though the company is now defunct). It took roughly two years to reach 100 domains, and today there is a new dot.com registered, on average, every second.

Pi is the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 1, and is the first letter of the Greek word perimeter."

"will post unusual or little known facts here", what Pi is, is known pretty widely, even if you don't know how to apply it, who invented it and how it works, everybody has heard of that strange "n" at school that helped with area of "something".

Yesterday (In Aus its tomorrow already) 'the life of Pi' was on 4 tv channels twice each

Pi is the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 1, and is the first letter of the Greek word perimeter."

"will post unusual or little known facts here", what Pi is, is known pretty widely, even if you don't know how to apply it, who invented it and how it works, everybody has heard of that strange "n" at school that helped with area of "something".

I guess I'm the only one who did not know that the symbol for pi is the first letter of the Greek word for perimeter, but then I have never claimed to be smart.

Two more facts about pi that the rest of you may already know.

-Chao Lu, of China, can recite pi from memory to 67,890 places. He holds the Guinness World Record for pi knowledge.

-You only really need 39 decimal places of pi for computing the circumference of a circle – your error will be no greater than the radius of a hydrogen atom

Sping gets shorter every year by about 30 seconds to a minute, due to astronomical quirks, researchers say. Summer gets longer. Similarly winter gets shorter and autumn gets longer.

The main reason spring is getting shorter is that Earth's axis itself moves, much like a wobbling top, in a type of motion called precession. Spring ends at the summer solstice, and because of precession, the point along Earth's orbit where the planet reaches the summer solstice shifts slightly.

Spring will be shortest in about the year 8680, measuring about 88.5 days, or about four days shorter than this year's spring


commented: "Leap half-minute" ? :D +0

A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

commented: A pregnant teen is called a twat. +0

A nibling is a gender neutral term for niece or nephew, similar to sibling for brother or sister.

"April Fool" stems from people who refused to adopt the Gregorian calendar in favor of the older Julian calendar when it was established in the 16th century Europe. While most adjusted to the new calendar, which moved the New Year from April 1 to Jan. 1, those who refused to recognize the change were reportedly subjected to pranks and ridicule.

Guns per 100 Residents (2014):
| Country       | Guns |
| United States | 90.0 |
| Serbia        | 69.7 |
| Yemen         | 54.8 |
| Switzerland   | 45.7 |
| Cyprus        | 36.1 |
| Saudi Arabia  | 35.0 |
| Iraq          | 34.2 |
| Uruguay       | 31.8 |
| Sweden        | 31.6 |
| Norway        | 31.3 |


Eight-year-old Evan reviews toys on his youtube channel, EvanTubeHD, and rakes in an estimated more than $1 million annually.

California is going through its worst drought in at least 1200 years.
Time to take showers together!

You're not my type.

90 mile beach, Gippsland victoria, is not ninety miles long
its 97
90 mile beach, South Island NZ, is only 89 miles long

If you eat meat in any country in the European Union, or even in China or Russia, you don’t have to worry about getting a dash of ractopamine with your pork or beef. All these nations ban the use of the growth-promoting drug.

But if you eat meat in the United States, buyer beware. Ractopamine may be unsafe for you. The drug is certainly unsafe for pigs and other farm animals dosed with it. It has caused hundreds of thousands of pigs to become lame or unable to walk without intense pain.


Gerald Ford served as Vice-President and President of the US but was not elected to either office.

A small village in the Indian state of Rajasth plants 111 trees every time a girl is born. The village has planted over 250,000 trees so far. The tradition was started by Shyam Sundar Paliwal in memory of his daughter, Kiran, who passed away. They collect Rs. 21,000 ($339) from villagers, and Rs. 10,000 ($161 in 2015) from the girl's father and invest the money in a 20 year government bond to help insure the financial security of the girl. http://www.onegreenplanet.org/environment/village-in-india-plants-plants-trees-every-time-a-little-girl-is-born/

In March of 2015, 111 people died during encounters with the police in the United States. In contrast, in the entire United Kingdom, 52 people have been killed by the police since 1900.

2014 Stats - Police Officers killed In The line of duty. This is from all causes, including auto accidents and heart attacks:
* In 2014, 127 US Police Officers were killed.
* In 2014, 5 Canadian Police Officers were killed.
* In 2014, 0 UK Police Officers were killed.

New York City has lost more officers in the line of duty than any other department, with (a total of) 697 deaths. Texas has lost 1,675 officers, more than any other state. The state with the fewest deaths is Vermont, with 22 [figures as of Nov 2014).

The City of London Police Department has lost 30 Officers in the line of duty since 1857. 19 of them were killed as a result of enemy action during the first and second world war.

Most men in the early west carried a jack knife made by the Buck knife company. When playing poker it was common to place one of these Buck Knives in front of the player who was the dealer. When it was time for a new dealer the deck of cards and the knife were moved to the new dealer. If this person didn't want to deal he would "pass the buck" to the next player. If that player accepted then "the buck stopped there".

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