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Member Avatar for adamsn

Good day all Is it possible to type an exponent in a textbox or a label using VB6? I am currenltly using two textboxes, one for the base and the other for the exponent, by using the tabkey to go from textbox 1 to textbox 2. thanx. N

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for adamsn

hi all i am using VB6 and is writing a code for a maths project. learners have to enter an answer into a textbox and press enter to mark the given answer. i am currently using a command button to mark the answer, but it is time consuming. the idea …

Member Avatar for adamsn
Member Avatar for adamsn

Greetings Please help. I developed a programme in vb6. It refuses to open on Vista. I do not experience any problems with XP. Thank you

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for adamsn

Hi all I need help. I have written 3 different exe files. What I would like to know is how do I link them to run from one package . Thank you very much. Nicky

Member Avatar for adamsn