SacredFootball 0 Junior Poster in Training

Hey all. I'm trying to write a query that gets all the multi-field data from a record in another table it has a relationship with. I'm using MS Access 2007 and would prefer to have it written in a SQL query.

Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:

CharacterID - PK
PrimaryClass - FK

ClassID - PK
ClassAbilities- FK

AbilityID - PK

Essentially, I want to be able to create a Character, choose the characters class and get a list of all the abilities that are available to that class [Create a Character with a Class of Warrior. Warrior has abilities: Bonus Life, Bonus Armor, Bonus Attack, a Character with a Class of Mage has abilites: Bonus Mana, Spell Book and bonus Damage, a Character with a class of Druid has abilities: Bonus Life, Bonus Bonus Attack and Spell Book]. Make sense?

I can't get the query to work right.