Here slightly edited code from one of my earliest posts to DaniWeb. Limitted by recursion limit of Python as it uses recursion, but interesting for me.
Recursive matching of wildcard string
""" Recursive matching of wildcard pattern
from __future__ import print_function
def match_pat(pattern, mystring):
""" find if pattern match mystring,
* any string of characters (possibly empty),
? single required characters
#print ("%r vs %r" % (pattern, mystring))
if not pattern:
return not mystring
elif pattern == '*':
return True
elif not mystring:
return False
elif pattern[0] == '*':
return any(match_pat(pattern[1:],mystring[index:]) for index in range(len(mystring)))
elif pattern[0] == '?':
return match_pat(pattern[1:],mystring[1:])
return pattern[0] == mystring[0] and match_pat(pattern[1:], mystring[1:])
if __name__ == '__main__':
for pat in 'a*at*r*', '*a??a*','*a*?r*':
for word in ("anteater",'albatross','albania', 'samba'):
print(word, pat, match_pat(pat,word))
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