I am trying to write a program with a Month class that will take a month as input, then display the previous and next month. It should use overloaded prefix+++ and -- operators and postfix ++ and -- operators. My month is decrementing, but when it should display the incremented month, it shows the same month inputted. I cant see why. Here's the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

class Month
	          string name;
	          int monthNumber;
	          string getName(int tempNumber)
		                            case 1: return "January";
		                            case 2: return "February";
		                            case 3: return "March";
		                            case 4: return "April";
		                            case 5: return "May";
		                            case 6: return "June";
		                            case 7: return "July";
		                            case 8: return "August";
		                            case 9: return "September";
		                            case 10: return "October";
            		                case 11: return "November";
		                            case 12: return "December";
		                            default: return "Invalid month number";
               int getNumber(string tempName)
                     if(tempName == "January" ) return 1;
		             if(tempName == "February" ) return 2;
		             if(tempName == "March" ) return 3;
		             if(tempName == "April") return 4;
		             if(tempName == "May" ) return 5;
		             if(tempName == "June" ) return 6;
		             if(tempName == "July" ) return 7;
		             if(tempName == "August" ) return 8;
		             if(tempName == "September" ) return 9;
		             if(tempName == "October" ) return 10;
		             if(tempName == "November") return 11;
		             if(tempName == "December" ) return 12;
		                 cout << "\n   Error!!" << endl;
		                 cout << "   The program will now terminate" << endl;
		                 return 0; 
		             name = "January";
		             monthNumber= 1;
       	          Month(string tempName)
                                             name = tempName;
		             monthNumber = getNumber(tempName);
                          string getMonth()
		             return name;
	          int getNumber()
                                           return monthNumber;
                            friend ostream &operator << (ostream &out, Month &temp);
	            friend istream &operator >> (istream &in, Month &temp);
          	            Month &operator++()
                                           if(monthNumber == 12)
			                     monthNumber = 1;
			                     name = getName(monthNumber);
			                     return *this;
			                     name = getName(monthNumber);
			                     return *this;
	          Month &operator++(int)
                                            Month temp(name);
		            if(monthNumber== 12)
                                                                     monthNumber = 1;
			                     name = getName(monthNumber);
			                     name = getName(monthNumber);
		            return temp;
	          Month &operator--()
		            if(monthNumber == 1)
                                                                     monthNumber = 12;
		 	                     name = getName(monthNumber);
			                     return *this;
			                     name = getName(monthNumber);
			                     return *this;
                      Month &operator--(int)
                                          Month temp(name);
                                          name = getName(monthNumber);
                                         return temp;

istream &operator >> (istream &in, Month &temp)
        cout << "Please Enter Month: ";
        in >> temp.name;
        temp.monthNumber= temp.getNumber(temp.name);
        return in;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, Month &temp)
        out << temp.name << endl;
        return out;

void Clear_Screen(void);
void Flush(void);

int main()
	char choice;
	   Month usermonth;
	   cin >> usermonth;
	   cout << usermonth << endl << "   After decrementing the Month:" << endl;
	   cout<<"   " << usermonth << endl;
       cout << "   After incrementing the Month:" << endl;
	   cout<<"   " << usermonth << endl;
	   cout << "   Would you like to enter another month? (Y/N): ";
	   cin >> choice;
   while(choice == 'y' || choice == 'Y');
   cout << "\n\n   Thank you for using the program!" << endl;
   cout << "\n\n   Press any key to exit" << endl;
   return 0;

void Clear_Screen(void)
   #ifdef _WIN32

void Flush(void)
   int ch;
      ch = getchar();
   while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n');

Sorry the code is so messy. I tried to format it, but it keeps showing up like this.

Never mind! That was a stupid mistake. I didn't think that after I incremented it, it was one month ahead. Argh!

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