jrivera 0 Light Poster

This is more of a logistic question but I'm stuck. This is a homework project where we're asked to create a game.

The way I'm doing it is starting of with a "settings" applet. The applet asks for number of players, then "dynamically" creates a row which displays a textbox for player name, select combo box for player type and a submit button. These components are created in a separate model class (player components).

This is the way I set it up.

- contains the combo box to select number of players and submit button. it also contains the start game button

- instantiates the player components model class.

What I've been trying to figure it out is the following. Currently the "start game" button is set to disabled. Every time the "Set Number of Players" button is submitted, the "start game" button is disabled. What I can't figure out is how to set the "start game" button to enabled once every player's submit button has been entered? Hopefully this makes sense. Also the component rows are in a vector of components.

Thank You In Advance.