&rea 0 Light Poster


I have got a problem declaring a matrix.
I have got a picture (bitmap) and I take the whole image with a rectangle so I can "paste" it in a matrix. My problem is that the constructor says that I need an array of Point (Point[]) but I don't know how to declare it and how to work with it.
Can any of you help me?

Thanks in advanced!!!

img=gcnew System::Drawing::Bitmap(image);
	int width=img->Width;
	int height=img->Height;
        System::Drawing::Rectangle^ rect;
	rect=System::Drawing::Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
        System::Drawing::Drawing2D::Matrix^ L;
	System::Drawing::Point[]^ plgpts;
	plgpts=gcnew(System::Drawing::Point(0,0)); //For one point not for array

	L=gcnew( System::Drawing::Drawing2D::Matrix::Matrix(rect,plgpts);