[Lieven] 0 Newbie Poster


i'm trying to create a program that copies a databasefile (SDF) from a handheld to my desktop (This works already), so i can sync the data on the desktop with the one from the handheld.
Since all data got to be checked, i need to make my own sync code...
Reading the Desktops database isn't a problem. But the problem is when i try to do something with the SDF database.

When i step the program, i see that the connection is made to the file. But when I try following:

SqlCeCommand dbCmd = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT * FROM Leveringen", dbConn);
            SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(dbCmd);

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

i get an error that says: Table Leveringen does not exist.
I really dont know what to do about it. Since it works on the handheld...

i hope someone understands what i'm trying to explain... and is able to help me..

greeting Lieven

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