What is the first term in the Fibonacci sequence to contain 1000 digits?

so i made a program that finds the fibonocci's sequence (fs).
I tried to do it recursively but it takes too long for big numbers. so i made a manual one.

BUt as i count how many digits there are for each (fs). a problem exist. After F(1476)--which has 309 digits, the program stops suddenly. I think its because of memory space or something. Any ways, this is why I turned to you. any help

here is my code

using namespace std;

int countdigits(unsigned long double x)
	int count(0);

	return count;

int main(){

unsigned long double result = 0.0;
unsigned long double x = 1.0;
unsigned long double y = 1.0;
unsigned long double result2 = 0.0;
int count(0);
for(int i = 3;;i++)
	result = x+y;
	y = x;
	x = result;
	result2 = result;
	cout<<setprecision(10)<<"F of "<<i<<" is : "<<result/1000000<<"	count is : "<<countdigits(result2)<<endl;

	if(( countdigits(result2) == 1000 ) )


return 0;

try running the program to get a better understanding , and then maybe you can help be better. thanks :)

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unsigned long double result = 0.0;
unsigned long double x = 1.0;
unsigned long double y = 1.0;
unsigned long double result2 = 0.0;

There is no such thing as an unsigned double.

As you only need to use integers, you should try using a 64-bit integer variable type instead of a double, as using a double will also give you inaccurate results. But you wont be able to get accurate big numbers using just the standard C++ library, you will need to use a seperate big number library or class such as this .

Hope this helps.

n! is n * fac(n-1);

log(n!) = n + lfac(n-1)

If you use log10, it's even better :)

use a dp solution

int main()
vector<long long int>v1(101);
vector<long long int>v2(101);
int i=0;
cout<<"nter no for which  u want factorial";
istream_iterator<long long int>is(cin);
ostream_iterator<long long int>os(cout,"\n");
int a;

cout<<"the factorialof "<<a<<"is";
    return 0;
commented: Learn to use code tags. -1
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