When building classes I thought if I just added an enum to the parameter list it would pop up the list of the enums, sort of like intellisence.. But I clearly am missing something..

public enum eFullWeekDays
            Sunday = 1,
            Monday = 2,
            Tuesday = 3,
            Wednesday = 4,
            Thursday = 5,
            Friday = 6,
            Saturday = 7,

       public DateTime PrevDayofWeek(DateTime datepassed, eFullWeekDays FullWeekDay,bool subtractWeekIfPassCorrectDay)

Only has the intellisense if I do the following

dteNewDate = GenDates.PrevDayofWeek(testdate, (GeneralDates.eFullWeekDays)intWKDay, boolIFCorrectDay);


dteNewDate = GenDates.PrevDayofWeek(testdate, GeneralDates.eFullWeekDays.Thursday, boolIFCorrectDay);

Anyway to get it to pop up the weekday list without the prefix of GeneralDates.efullweekdays????

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What the fuck are you naming your enum type "eFullWeekDays" for and not "FullWeekDays"? Unless you have actual evidence that prefixing your variables with the names of their types increases your productivity, you are just a superstitious nutjob.

Anyway to get it to pop up the weekday list without the prefix of GeneralDates.efullweekdays????

No, because you could also theoretically type in a variable of type GeneralDates.eFullWeekDays.

Just a newbie with an incredible learning curve. C#, asp.net, java, html, Linq, AJAx.... etc etc.. Yes at this point you could call me a nutjob from overload..

Since I name the enum in the library and then have to call it in the calling programs it is just helping my overloaded brain. Rather then guessing if I call it Weekday, FullWeekday, DaysOfTheWeek.etc.. Right now the e... helps me get to the list of enums I created and figure out what I need, and helps me seperate them from the long list of objects and properties in the library..

Sorry if my code is offensive, but right now the need is to learn and accomplish.. Quickly...

Sorry, I was just being a jerk :)

You will have to write the name of the enum's type in order to trigger autocomplete; that's life.

There is a System.DayOfWeek enumeration.
There is a DateTime structure with a property DayOfWeek which returns this enumeration.
So why would you feel the need to make your own?
.Net is HUGE, perhaps you did not know it existed?
Join the club, I had the same experience already...

ddanbe beat me to it. I'd go with the System.DayOfWeek, however to answer the general enum question, you would only need the GeneralDates if the eFullWeekDays enum instance is outside the scope of your class or namespace.


namespace TestA
    public class Class1
        public enum Values
namespace TestB
    public class Class2
        public Class2()
            // have to use namespace and class path

If you bring it out one level, then you have:

namespace TestA
    public enum Values
    public class Class1

namespace TestB
    public class Class2
        public Class2()
            // have to use namespace path

Or if it's in the same namespace:

namespace TestA
    public enum Values
    public class Class1

    public class Class2
        public Class2()
            // same namespace, nothing but enum is needed

Intellisense works in all scenarios....


commented: Clear explanation, well done. +4
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