I have to write a function that takes an input such as this chevrolet, MALIBU and makes chevrolet into CHEVROLET and MAILIBU into Malibu I am having no trouble with capitalizing the CHEVROLET but when it comes time for the Malibu to be corrected it doesn't come out right.

directions if i wasnt clear: http://www.cs.niu.edu/~abyrnes/csci240/pgms/240pgm10.htm

Here is where I am at with the code:

void fixCarInfo (char *c)
     while (*c != ',')
     *c = toupper(*c);
     while (*c == ',')
      *c = toupper(*c);

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Notice that in all the input you are getting from the file,
You have an extra " " space after the "," (Comma). So I think that the code should actually be


>>Here is where I am at with the code:
It would be better for you to follow the instruction strictly:

If the name is in the lastname, firstname format, then it needs to be changed to the firstname lastname format. To do this:

* Copy the firstname to a temporary string
* Add a space to the end of the temporary string
* Add the last name to the end of the temporary string
* Add spaces to the end of the temporary string until it is 15 characters long.
* Copy the temporary string into the passed in string argument

At this point, the name should be in the firstname lastname format. All that remains is to make sure the first letter of each name is upper case and that the others are lower case.

So first check if the string contains a ',' comma. Which can be done by modifying the line 9 to 12 So start you function by line 9 with the following algo in mind:

To Check if the string S contain a comma:
1.[initialization] Set k to 0
2.[Checking comma] Check if the the character at k S[k] is a comma? If yes: The string has a comma. If no: set k to k+1
3.[Checked all?] Determine if you have checked all the characters? If yes: the string have no comma, if no go to next step.
4.[Repeat] Go to step 2 again.

One point to note is that the condition of while should also include to check if the current character is not a null '\0' ( Remember a string is terminated by a null character).
Now as the outcome of line 9-12, you will have to convert your lastname, firstname format to firstname lastname.

Then you simply need to capitalize two characters:
* The one at the very beginning of your string and
* The one just after the first space encountered.

Code the above algo and let us know what happened.

Edit: Though skydiploma was fast than me, I do not really appreciate him giving the OP the code he wanted

This is where I am at with that it, it gets the last names to be first but it doesn't do the capitalizing for it. In the original post this isn't the code I was talking about I was talking about the code to fix the name of the cars, but I was struggling with this one too.

void fixName ( char *n )
     char temp[15];
     char *spacePtr;
     spacePtr = strchr(n,' ');
     if ( spacePtr != 0 )
     strcat(temp,", ");
     *spacePtr = '\0';
     strcat(temp, n);
     strcpy(n, temp);

My appoligies to the OP to divert the topic.
As for the FixName:
First of all you don't need to concatenate the comma but a space.( as per your assignment) as you have to fix it to firstname lastname rather than firstname,lastname
so change the line 9
Just capatalize n[0] and n[1+strchr(n,' ')] I hope you got why?

My appoligies to the OP to divert the topic.
As for the FixName:
First of all you don't need to concatenate the comma but a space.( as per your assignment) as you have to fix it to firstname lastname rather than firstname,lastname
so change the line 9
Just capatalize n[0] and n[1+strchr(n,' ')] I hope you got why?

I got to to format the first name correctly Firstname by my last name the first letter is still lowercase. Here is what I used to make it used to format the firstname how would I modify this to do the lastname?

while(*n != NULL)
      if(isalpha(*n)) break;
      *n = toupper(*n);
      while(*n != NULL)
      *n = tolower(*n);

your first while loops searches for the first alpha char so it can be changed to uppercase.

then the second while loops changes every single remaining character to lowercase (assuming it can be changed), until it finally finds the NULL and quits.

So... instead of continuing that second while until the NULL is found, break out of that second while once another space is found. then keep repeating this pattern of capitalizing the first letter of each word as long as words are found.

note, your code as it stands is extremely fault-intolerant, and i havent even attempted to address that. because it's a whole 'nother subject. but at least youll get the basic operation figured out.


your first while loops searches for the first alpha char so it can be changed to uppercase.

then the second while loops changes every single remaining character to lowercase (assuming it can be changed), until it finally finds the NULL and quits.

So... instead of continuing that second while until the NULL is found, break out of that second while once another space is found. then keep repeating this pattern of capitalizing the first letter of each word as long as words are found.

note, your code as it stands is extremely fault-intolerant, and i havent even attempted to address that. because it's a whole 'nother subject. but at least youll get the basic operation figured out.


How would I test for a second space would I use an if statement such as

if(*n == NULL)


if(*n == ' ');

Ok, this is what I have now, some of it formatted right but some didn't, any idea why that could be?

void fixName ( char *n )
     char temp[15];
     char *spacePtr;
     spacePtr = strchr(n,' ');
     if ( spacePtr != 0 )
     strcat(temp," ");
     *spacePtr = '\0';
     strcat(temp, n);
     strcpy(n, temp);
     while(*n != NULL)
      if(isalpha(*n)) break;
      *n = toupper(*n);
      while(*n != NULL)
      if(*n == ' ') break;
      *n = toupper(*n);

What do you think the code is doing? Add some comments.

commented: Very helpful in attempting to solve my issues. +1
while(*n != NULL)//enters loop when there is a character
      if(isalpha(*n)) break;//test to make sure character is a letter
      *n = toupper(*n);//converts to uppercase
      while(*n != NULL)//while the character holds something
      *n = tolower(*n);//convert to lowercase

Especially the part before. xD

That part I'm really not sure, we were giving that code in class, I was confused when we got it. Of course when I went to see my professor yesterday I was told the good ole "you'll figure it out" :\

Look up the functions and what they do, then put comments in there: it makes the code way more readable for yourself. If you can't figure out what a function does (which I doubt, using google and C(++) references) you can always ask.

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