externalaw 0 Newbie Poster

I need to put some static pages into a mysql table

This is a sample static page

HTML Code:




To be acquited of a crime is to be deemed to be innocent of
the charges after a court hearing. This is different from a
<a href=lawglos_Discharge.html>Discharge</a>, where the case is never heard. In
general, a defendant who is acquited can not be tried again
for the same offence. If more than one defendant is on
trial for the same offence (see: <a href=lawglos_Accomplice.html>Accomplice</a>),
the acquital of one of them is not admissible as evidence
in favour of the others. A conviction, however, is
admissible against the other defendants. This is because an
acquital is not `proof' of innocence, it is merely an
indication that the prosecution did not establish a case
strong enough for a conviction. In other words, `innocent
until proven guilty' does not mean that `all are innocent
until all are proven guilty'.
<a href=lawglos_CriminalLaw.html>CriminalLaw</a>

This is the table for the content,

The output has to be like this in mysql

name : this is the title
description : the content
userid : 1
username : mike
dateline : 1240662719
lastupdate : 1240662719
categoryid : 1 (This is for <a href=lawglos_CriminalLaw.html>CriminalLaw</a> so category is 1, but there are multiple categories)
status : 1
ipaddress : 119.24*.18*.18*
attach : 0
threadid :0
lastupdater :
lastupdaterid :0
tags : keyword,Keyword (all possible combo's)
popup : content
views : 0
votenum : 0
votetotal : 0

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