poeticinsanity 2 Light Poster

I'm new to the forum and to web programming. I appreciate all the help thus far, and I have a couple more questions.

1. What is the purpose of HTTPconnection object? If i can get a page simply using an HTTPresponse object formed from .request("GET",URL) call? What is the difference between the URL used to form the HTTPconnection object and the used to form the HTTPresponse object?

2. I'm having trouble error handling. If an HTTPconnection object does not make a connection, I would like to print my own error message or throw an exception, but i'm uncertain of what to check for that. The same follows for and HTTPresponse.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I can get one or two of these things under my belt, I'll be fine for coding them from here on. They are just proving more problematic than I first thought.