Well I am getting this warning while running my script which is attached:Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at aj.pl
in this line : print OUTFILE"$address[$k]|" as when i remove this line I don't get any warnings:
Can someone please tell me what is wrong with it:

Here is my code:

use warnings;
use strict;

 my $input = 'try_file.txt';
 my $output = 'try_file_pipe.txt'; 
 my $i=0;
 my $lines="";
 my @id=();
 my @author= ();
 my @text=();
 my @address=(); 
  open (INFILE, "$input") or die "Couldn't open $input for reading: $!\n";
  open (OUTFILE, "> $output") or die "Couldn't open $output for writing: $!\n";

  my @file1 =<INFILE>;
    foreach $lines(@file1) 
         if($lines =~m/ID:/)
      elsif ($lines =~m/Author/)
      elsif ($lines =~m/Address/)
      elsif ($lines =~m/^\\/)
           if ($i==1) 
            $i=0;( #no warnings 'uninitialized'; #of course when I am using this I don't get any warnings, still I am curious to know what is wrong with it.)
               print OUTFILE"@id|";   
	       my $n = scalar @author;
		print OUTFILE"$author[$k]|";
		print OUTFILE"$address[$k]|";
   	print OUTFILE"@text";
close (INFILE);

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Well I am getting this warning while running my script which is attached:Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at aj.pl
in this line : print OUTFILE"$address[$k]|" as when i remove this line I don't get any warnings:
Can someone please tell me what is wrong with it:

		print OUTFILE"$author[$k]|";
		print OUTFILE"$address[$k]|";

$k is not initialised, as you have use strict.

for (my $k=0;$k<$n;$k==)

should do the trick.


Hey sorry but i did initialize "$k" with "my" in my program and it doesn't make any difference.. do you have something else to suggest..Thanks

Hey sorry but i did initialize "$k" with "my" in my program and it doesn't make any difference.. do you have something else to suggest..Thanks

Ah, found it i think.

You seem to be using $i as a 'end-of-record' indicator. When $i is set to 1, we have reached the end of the record and print the collected data into the outfile.

However, without the $i=0, it is never reset!

So when we go to process the second record (second set of id: author: address:) , after we have collected the first field (id: for example), $i is still 1, and we want to print the WHOLE record to the outfile, but author and address have not been collected / initialised yet!

So, at the end of the print-output block, you have to reset $i to 0, to signal we have not reached the end of the next record yet.

Hope this is a bit clear.

Thanks but this doesn't make a difference as well..

Thanks but this doesn't make a difference as well..

Hmm, weird. Putting a $i = 0; after line 67 (instead of at line 52, but works there also) did the trick for me. And from the posting i saw that the $i = 0 you put in at line 52 also prevents the error, because it resets the end-of-record indicator.

Unless ofcourse there is no author or address filed in the input data.


hmm thanks i guess there are certain data in the input file which doesn't contain address..may be that's the prob..anyways thanks for ur suggestions

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