crazyboy -4 Junior Poster in Training

In event driven programming windows os is passing message to all application thread for firing events.

What i want to do is??
I want to receive all messages in my application which is generated by system to any application or any any thread.

I know little bit about mouse hooking and keyboard hooking.
but this will only receive messages like mouse move or any key is pressed,hot key pressed etc.

but i want to receive every every message like any file creation , file deletion or file accessed etc.

i just want to receive this messages , i dont want to interupt any of message. I want this messages to keep track of what user have done during a period of time.

please any help regarding this ...
any api for this??
or i have to create global hook.
but in creation of global there is problem like we have to create dll in C++ for call back function.
but i want to do it fully through C# and main thing is that i m having not much time.

at max from today onwards i will have 7-8 day to complete this.

any help or any advice like in which direction i should proccedd.
thnks for giving your time.............

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