soteri0s 0 Newbie Poster

I'm trying to compare strings in a Linked List and it throws a null pointer exception somewhere in the method smallest() which is where i have the strings(nodes) comparing each other. I've been Trying to find the answer for two days now and I've gotten nowhere. PLEASE HELP! The code is as follows:

public class LinkedStringLog implements StringLogInterface 
  protected LLStringNode log; // reference to first node of linked 
                              // list that holds the StringLog strings
  protected String name;      // name of this StringLog
  public LinkedStringLog(String name)
  // Instantiates and returns a reference to an empty StringLog object 
  // with name "name".
    log = null; = name;

  public void insert(String element)
  // Precondition:   This StringLog is not full.
  // Places element into this StringLog.
    LLStringNode newNode = new LLStringNode(element);
    log = newNode;
  public int howMany(String element)
  // Returns an int value of how many times it occurs in StringLog
    int eleCount = 0;
	 LLStringNode node;
	 node = log;
	 while (node != null)
	   if (element.equalsIgnoreCase(node.getInfo()))
		 eleCount ++;
		 node = node.getLink();
		  node = node.getLink();
	 return eleCount;
  public boolean isFull()
  // Returns true if this StringLog is full, false otherwise.
    return false;
  public boolean isEmpty()
  // Returns true if StringLog is empty, it otherwise returns false.
	boolean isNull = true;
	LLStringNode node;
	node = log;
	boolean searchEmpty = (node != null);
    if (searchEmpty)
    	isNull = false;
    	return isNull;
    return isNull;
  public boolean uniqInsert(String element)
  //  Inserts element in stringLog unless an identical string already exists in the StringLog
    LLStringNode node;
	 node = log;
	 boolean found = false;
	 boolean searchMore;
	 searchMore = (node != null);
	 while (searchMore && !found)
	   if (element.equalsIgnoreCase(node.getInfo()))
		  return found;
		   node = node.getLink();
		  searchMore = (node != null);
	 if (found = true)
		 LLStringNode newNode = new LLStringNode(element);
		    log = newNode;
	 return found;
  public int size()
  // Returns the number of Strings in this StringLog.
    int count = 0;
    LLStringNode node;
    node = log;
    while (node != null)
      node = node.getLink();
    return count;
  public boolean contains(String element)
  // Returns true if element is in this StringLog,
  // otherwise returns false.
  // Ignores case difference when doing string comparison.
    LLStringNode node;
    node = log;
    boolean found = false;
    boolean moreToSearch;
    moreToSearch = (node != null);

    while (moreToSearch && !found) 
      if (element.equalsIgnoreCase(node.getInfo()))  // if they match
        found = true;
        node = node.getLink();
        moreToSearch = (node != null);

   return found;
  public void clear()
  // Makes this StringLog empty.
    log = null;

  public String getName()
  // Returns the name of this StringLog.
    return name;

  public String toString()
  // Returns a nicely formatted string representing this StringLog.
    String logString = "Log: " + name + "\n\n";
    LLStringNode node;
    node = log;
    int count = 0;
    while (node != null)
      logString = logString + count + ". " + node.getInfo() + "\n";
      node = node.getLink();
    return logString;
public String smallest()
  // Returns smallest String in StringLog in terms of lexicographic ordering.
   //Precondition: StringLog is not empty.
 LLStringNode node;
 LLStringNode node2;
 LLStringNode node3 = log;
 node = log;
 node2 = log;
 String smallString = "Bob";
 boolean notNull = (node != null);
 boolean notNull2 = (node2 != null);
 while (notNull && notNull2)
	System.out.println(node.getInfo() + " " + node2.getInfo()); 
	if (node.getInfo().compareTo(node2.getInfo()) <= 0)
	  node3 = node;
	  node2 = node2.getLink();
	  smallString = node3.getInfo();
	else if (notNull && notNull2)
	  node3 = node2;
      node =  node.getLink();
      smallString = node3.getInfo();
	 smallString = node3.getInfo();
      return smallString;

Also, When I ran the test driver I had the system print lines onto the console until it broke and it looked like this. *note* The Strings have already been input into the test driver at this point.

Choose an operation:
1: insert(String element)
2: howMany(String element)
3: clear()
4: contains(String element)
5; isFull()
6; isEmpty()
7: size()
8: uniqInsert(String element)
9: getName()
10: toString()
11: smallest()
12: Stop testing
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
	at LinkedStringLog.smallest(
	at CMPS39001.main(
girl girl
girl apple
apple apple
apple ass
apple boy
apple purple

Thank you all, Your help is most appreciated.

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