MGIndia 0 Newbie Poster

i need to create a reply for a msg file i saved on localdrive. I tried doing this and itworks.but the problem is that the .msg file contains images and so when reply is done this images are not got...below is the code i tried for creating the reply fot the .msg file.

private void Rplybttn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string sFilename = string.Empty;
string sfilepath = string.Empty;
sFilename = "FunOnTheNet  Kereta BMW 'Night Vision'.msg";
Outlook._Application olApp = new Outlook.ApplicationClass();

 sfilepath = String.Format(@"C:\Documents and Settings\{0}\Desktop\{1}", SystemInformation.UserName, sFilename);

 Outlook._MailItem omail = (Outlook._MailItem)olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(sfilepath, Type.Missing);

  Outlook._MailItem oMailItem = (Outlook._MailItem)olApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem);

oMailItem.To = omail.SenderEmailAddress;
oMailItem.Subject = "RE:" + omail.Subject; 
oMailItem.HTMLBody = "<br/><hr width=100%> " + omail.HTMLBody;


this is the method i have used..Is there any opther way with which i can create a reply for the specified .msg file?

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