I have an application that, on occasion, might need to perform certain tasks on files, or other things that are "in-use" while the application in running.

This is what I've tried to do, but I'm running into problems:

I created an interface:

interface IShutdownCommand
        void OnShutdown();

I wanted to create, on my main application window code the following:

//initialize shutdown Commands
        public List<IShutdownCommand> ShutdownCommandList;

        private void Main_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
                foreach (IShutdownCommand Command in ShutdownCommandList)

But I'm getting this compiler error:

"Inconsistent accessibility: field type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<DATA.IShutdownCommand>' is less accessible than field 'DATA.Main.ShutdownCommandList'"

Any thoughts on how I could do this and actually get it to work?

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Your interface is less accessible than your field. Put 'public' in front of the interface declaration.

What this is telling you is that you are trying to declare a publicly available variable (ShutdownCommandList) that uses something that isn't publicly available (IShutdownCommand).

Ahhh...duh...thanks for the obvious.

It's going to be one of those weeks...I can tell.

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