adamleefe 0 Newbie Poster

Hey, so far i have created some code that reads a text file and outputs the information if i run it in eclipse and i now want to have an option when it runs to either show the information in plainscript or html, how would i do this does anyone know the code?

Thanks and any help is much welcomed and thanked.


import java.util.Scanner;

//The name of the file is generator
public class Generator 
	public static void main (String[] args)
		//This finds the text files in my selected folder that are called .txt
		FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() 
		    public boolean accept(File folder, String name) 
		    	 return name.endsWith(".txt"); //Return all files that end in .txt
		//Current directory
		String curDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
		File folder = new File(curDir);
		//This creates a DIR array that stores all files
		File[] dir = folder.listFiles(filter);

		//This helps the code show the files available with the .txt ending
		for (int i = 0; i < dir.length; i++) 
		      if (dir[i].isFile()) 
		        System.out.println("File " + dir[i].getName());
		//This produces some text with the file names and then asks to select one
		String file = "";
		System.out.print("Please select one of the files shown above: ");
		Scanner a = new Scanner(;
		file =;
		//This creates a new file based on the users input
		File fixtures = new File(file);

			//Create the read line for scanner and create the scanner & counts - CREATES MOST THINGS
			String readline;
			Scanner scanner = new Scanner(fixtures);
			int total1 = 0;
			int total2= 0;
			int totalgoals = 0;
			int valid = 0;
			int invalid = 0;
			//Scanner reads the lines
			while (scanner.hasNext())
				//Gets the line
				readline = scanner.nextLine();
				//This splits the lines and create an array
				String [] split = readline.split(" : ");
				if(split.length == 4) //amount of information
					//Store the strings -ADD TRIM - NEW !!!
					String HomeTeam = split [0];
					String HomeScore = split [2];
					String AwayTeam = split [1];
					String AwayScore = split [3];
					//Score the variables
					int iHomeScore = 0;
					int iAwayScore = 0;

						iHomeScore = Integer.parseInt(HomeScore);
						iAwayScore = Integer.parseInt(AwayScore);

						//Output the lines
						System.out.print(HomeTeam+" ");
						System.out.print("["+iHomeScore+"] | ");
						System.out.print(AwayTeam+" ");
						//Counting total goals and valid matches (It's already in a loop)
						total1 = total1 + iHomeScore;
						total2 = total2 + iAwayScore;
						totalgoals = total1+total2;
						valid = valid+1;
					catch (NumberFormatException e) //catches  the information for teams and scores
						//invalid needs to be incremented NEW!!!
					invalid = invalid+1;
			//Prints out the number of goals scored and number of valid matches
			System.out.println("\nTotal Goals Scored Were: "+totalgoals);
			System.out.println("Valid Match Count Was: " +valid);
			if (invalid > 0) // If they are invalid
				//Prints the number of invalid matches
				System.out.print("Invalid Match Count Was: " +invalid);
		catch (FileNotFoundException exception1) //If file is not found
			System.out.print("There was an issue with the file you selected, this may be due to spelling mistakes or the file doesnt exist. Please ensure the file name is correct.");
		}// If they enter a file name that doesn't exist
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