shyla 0 Junior Poster

i am trying to change the description for each website that the mouse is hover at
according to the assignment
hoe can i change it from "go to Gizmodo website" to "Gizmodo is a tech blog"
and do the rest with the other websites descriptions with different descriptions

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace recenntlyVisited
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        string[] urls = { "", "", "" };
        List<LinkLabel> li = new List<LinkLabel>();
        List<Point> p = new List<Point>();
        public Form1()
            label1 = new Label();
            label1.Location = new Point(128, 30);
            label1.Width = 600;
            label1.Text = "";

            li.Add(new LinkLabel());
            li.Add(new LinkLabel());
            li.Add(new LinkLabel());
            li[0].Text = "";
            li[1].Text = "";
            li[2].Text = "";

            p.Add(new Point(20, 10));
            p.Add(new Point(20, 35));
            p.Add(new Point(20, 60));
            for (int i = 0; i < li.Count(); i++)
                li[i].Location = p[i];
                li[i].Links.Add(0, li[i].Text.Length, urls[i]);
                 li[i].MouseHover += new EventHandler(Form1_MouseHover);
                li[i].MouseLeave += new EventHandler(Form1_MouseLeave);
                li[i].MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(Form1_MouseClick);
        void Form1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            LinkLabel ll = sender as LinkLabel;
            string name = ll.Text;
            string[] newUrls = new string[3];
            if (name.Contains("Gizmodo"))
                p.Add(new Point(20, 10));
                p.Add(new Point(20, 35));
                p.Add(new Point(20, 60));
            else if (name.Contains("lifehacker"))
                p.Add(new Point(20, 60));
                p.Add(new Point(20, 10));
                p.Add(new Point(20, 35));
                label1.Text = "Go to " + ll.Text + " website";

            else if (name.Contains("techcrunch"))
                p.Add(new Point(20, 35));
                p.Add(new Point(20, 10));
                p.Add(new Point(20, 60));

            for (int i = 0; i < li.Count(); i++)
                li[i].Location = p[i];
        void Form1_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
            label1.Text = "";
        void Form1_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LinkLabel ll = sender as LinkLabel;
            label1.Text = "Go to " + ll.Text + " website";
