Ye, but its required by the exercise call the function words(with the parameter filename).

Well, i just taught of doing this. The code it was developed here works fine, but it has one catch. It counts numbers. Where can i insert word.isalpha()?

from string import punctuation

def words(filename):
    count = {}
    for aline in filename:
        palavras = ''.join(c for c in aline.lower() if c not in punctuation)
        palavras = palavras.split()
        for word in palavras:
            if word in count:
                count[word]  +=1
                count[word] = 1
    return count


change line 6 condition.

I tried and i think its good now.

from string import punctuation

def words(filename):
    count = {}
    for aline in filename:
        palavras = ''.join(c for c in aline.lower() if c not in punctuation if c.isalpha())
        palavras = palavras.split()
        for word in palavras:
            if word in count:
                count[word]  +=1
                count[word] = 1
    return count


No it is not: you should be able to call the function like


(and you left in the old condition which was less strict)

By fixing the parameter to be filename like specified.

Well can you give me an example how to do it? I now what you mean, i can't put it on Python language... Besides, realised that using

from string import punctuation
def words(filename):
    count = {}
    for aline in filename:
        palavras = ''.join(c for c in aline.lower() if c not in punctuation if c.isalpha())
        palavras = palavras.split()
        for word in palavras:
            if word in count:
                count[word]  +=1
                count[word] = 1
    return count

That doesn't count numbers has words anymore, BUT it returns a unsplitted string... What is wrong?

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