bilal_fazlani 0 Light Poster

I am making an invoice system.
Please have a look at the images.

as you can see, the place order button is creating an invoice.

I have actually created a junk table and a junk column in it just to setup the invoice_id and load it when "invoice report.rpt" loads

here's the query of my report

SELECT        invoicelinesad.product_name, invoicelinesad.manufact_name, invoicelinesad.invline_units, invoicelinesad.invline_totalprice, invoicelinesad.invline_prodprice, 
                         invoices.inv_id, invoices.inv_date, invoices.inv_amount, customers.fname + ' ' + customers.lname AS customer_name
FROM            invoicelinesad INNER JOIN
                         invoices ON invoicelinesad.inv_id = invoices.inv_id INNER JOIN
                         customers ON invoices.cust_id = customers.cust_id
where invoices.inv_id=  (select para.selected_invid from para)

this isn't the way a professional developer would do it, I am sure.

I have created report using Crystal report 2011 and saved it application startup path.

I want to pass the invoice_id directly to report somehow..
tried to play a lot with crystal report parameters, but obviously I don't want report viewer to prompt for invoice_id every time report viewer loads

please help if u can.

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