tadaweb 0 Newbie Poster

hi, I am trying to wrap all the information inside <description> in CDATA

<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="yes" cdata-section-elements="description" />
<xsl:template match="produseXML/produs">
             <title><xsl:value-of select="nume_produs" /></title>
             <link><xsl:value-of select="url_produs" /></link>
                  <xsl:value-of select="descriere" />
                  <xsl:value-of select="pret" />
        <category><xsl:value-of select="categorie" /></category>
        <guid><xsl:value-of select="link_afiliat" /></guid>

this is what I get:

<description><![CDATA[Poseta Mersa din material textil:- Se inchide in partea de sus pe cadru metalic- Pe interior are un mic buzunar- Este prevazuta cu lant lung de umar ce poate fi ascuns- Este o poseta eleganta de seara]]><![CDATA[90]]></description>

this is good but the problem is that it's working only for text

when I replace with

          <a href="{}"><img src="" /></a>

          <p> or <table> 


it dosen't show me anything wrapped

I could use some little help