jason316 0 Newbie Poster

I am having an error that I can't seem to get past. The problem I get is an internal server error 500 when I try to run the C++ CGI script. here is my HTML document. I am using Apache Web Server.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">
<head><title>Welcome To My NumberGuessing Game!</title></head>
<h1> Welcome To My Number Guessing Game!!</h1><br>
<form method="get" action="http://localhost/cgi-bin/getNum.exe">
Guess a number in between 1 and 100: <input name="guess"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Try My Luck">

Here is my server program please just assume parse.cpp and parse.h are working properly because they were given. Here is my C++ server. Any help is always appreciated.

Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces
... and can span multiple lines
include "parse.h"
include <iostream>
include <stdlib.h>
include <time.h>
include <string>

using namespace std;

void main()
char* varptr;
char* sptr;
int guesses = 0;
int visits = 0;
int random = 0;
string result;
size_t size;

_dupenv_s(&varptr, &size, "HTTP_COOKIE");
if(varptr != 0)
    Parse list( varptr );
    sptr = list.get_item( "VISITS" );
    if (sptr != NULL)
        sscanf_s(sptr, "%d", &visits);
        delete [] sptr;
    sptr = list.get_item( "RANDOM_NUMBER" );
    if (sptr != NULL)
        sscanf_s(sptr, "%d", &random);
        delete [] sptr;
if (random = 0)
    random = 1 + (rand() % 100);
cout << "Set-Cookie: VISITS=" << visits << endl;
cout << "Set-Cookie: RANDOM_NUMBER=" << random << endl;
_dupenv_s(&varptr, &size, "QUERY_STRING");
if(varptr != 0)
    Parse list( varptr );
    sptr = list.get_item( "guess" );
    if (sptr != NULL)
        sscanf_s(sptr, "%d", &guesses);
        if (guesses < random)
            result = "Too Low Please Try Again";
        else if (guesses > random)
            result = "Too High Please Try Again";
        else if (guesses == random)
            result = "Excellent!! You Guessed right Please Play Again!!";
            visits = 0;
            cout << "Set-Cookie: VISITS=" << visits << endl;
            random = 1 + (rand() % 100);
            cout << "Set-Cookie: RANDOM_NUMBER=" << random << endl;
        delete [] sptr;
cout << "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC " << "\"" << "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
     << "\"" << "\"" << " http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd" << "\"" << ">";
cout << "<html>";
cout << "<head><title>Welcome To My NumberGuessing Game!</title></head>";
cout << "<body>";
cout << "<h1> Welcome To My Number Guessing Game!!</h1><br>";
cout << result << "<br>";
cout << "The number of guesses = " << visits << "<br>";
cout << "<form method="<< "\"" << "get" << "\"" << " action="<< "\"" 
     <<"http://localhost/cgi-bin/getNum.exe"<< "\"" << ">"; 
cout << "Guess a number in between 1 and 100: <input name="<< "\"" << "guess"<< "\"" << "><br>";
cout << "<input type="<< "\"" << "submit"<< "\"" << " value=" << "\"" << "Try My Luck"<< "\"" << ">";
cout << "</body>";
cout << "</html>";


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