izabella.pearson 0 Newbie Poster

When I complie and run my program it works but no matter what day you say January first is it sets it as monday. Any ideas on how to fix this?

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

    int year, month, FDOM, mDays;
    int getYear();
    int getFirstDay();
    void weeks(int w, int days);
    int printCalMonth(int FDOM, int month, int);
    void space(int start, int& columnt, int month, int& prev);
    void numbers(int month, int& days, int& spaceDays);
    int i = 0;
    int days;
    int spaceDays;
    int first;
    int prev;
    int column;
    int w = 1;

    bool leapYear( int year);
int main()

    year = getYear();
    FDOM = getFirstDay();

    cout << endl << endl;
    cout << " " << year  << endl;
    cout << endl << endl; 

    for(month = 0; month < 12; month++)
        FDOM = printCalMonth( FDOM, month, mDays);

    return 0;

int getYear()
    int year;
    cout << " Please enter year" << endl;
    cin >> year;

    return year;

int getFirstDay()
    int FDOM;
    cout << "What day is January first start on" << endl;
    cin >> FDOM;
    return FDOM;

int printCalMonth(int FDOM, int month, int days)

        if (month == 1)
            cout << " January \n" << endl;
            cout << "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S \n\n";

        if (month == 2)
            cout << " February \n";
            cout << "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S \n\n";

        if (month == 3)
            cout << " March \n";
            cout << "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S \n\n";

        if (month == 4)
            cout << " April \n";
            cout << "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S \n\n";

        if (month == 5)
            cout << " May \n";
            cout << "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S \n\n";

        if (month == 6)
            cout << " June \n";
            cout << "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S \n\n";

        if (month == 7)
            cout << " July \n";
            cout << "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S \n\n";

        if (month == 8)
            cout << " August \n";
            cout << "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S \n\n";

        if (month == 9)
            cout << " September \n";
            cout << "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S \n\n";

        if (month == 10)
            cout << " October \n";
            cout << "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S \n\n";

        if (month == 11)
            cout << " November \n";
            cout << "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S \n\n";

        if (month == 12)
            cout << " December \n";
            cout << "  S  M  T  W  T  F  S \n\n";


        numbers( month,  days,  spaceDays);
        space( first, column, month, prev);
        weeks( w, days);

        return FDOM;

bool leapYear(int year)//Function to calculate whether year is a leap year
if (year % 4 ==0)
    return true;
    return false;

void weeks(int w, int days)
    while (w <= days)
        if (column == 7)
            cout << endl;
            column = 0;

            cout << setw(3);
            cout << w;
            column = 0;
        cout << endl << endl;

void numbers(int month, int& days, int& spaceDays) // previous and current days in each month
        switch (month) 
            case 1:
            days = 31; // Number of days in january

            case 2: 
            if(leapYear(year)) // If there is a leap year in Febuary
            days = 29;

            days = 28;

            spaceDays = 31; // Number of days in the month before

            case 3: 
            days = 31;


            spaceDays = 29;


            spaceDays = 28;

            case 4: 
            days = 30;
            spaceDays = 31;

            case 5: 
            days = 31;
            spaceDays = 30;

            case 6: 
            days = 30;
            spaceDays = 31;

            case 7: 
            days = 31;
            spaceDays = 30;

            case 8: 
            days = 31;
            spaceDays = 31;

            case 9: 
            days = 30;
            spaceDays = 31;

            case 10: 
            days = 31;
            spaceDays = 30;

            case 11: 
            days = 30;
            spaceDays = 31;

            case 12: 
            days = 31;
            spaceDays = 30;
 void space(int first, int& column, int month, int& prev) // print spaces

        if (month == 1) 
            int loopCount;
            for (loopCount = 0; loopCount < first; loopCount++)
            cout << " "; 
            column =+ first; // First is equal to Start + column

        else if (month != 1) 
         int otherSpacer;
         int loopCount;
         int monthCount = month;
         numbers(monthCount, days, spaceDays);

         otherSpacer = (prev + spaceDays) % 7; 
         prev = 0; 
         for (loopCount = 0; loopCount < otherSpacer; loopCount++)
         cout << " ";
         column =+ otherSpacer;
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