anoop1987 0 Newbie Poster

Hi All

I am VC++ developer and trying to Automate Microsoft Outlook and got stucked at one point so need your help indeed.

Expecting your reply for my question.

what i want to achieve is :-

I have few contacts in my application and i want to transfer them to outlook. And in outlook itself there are 3 to 5 user created contacts folder.

so first time i will ask user to pic the contact folder and once he chosen the contact folder, i will store the path of chosen contact folder in an .ini file

So next time when he transfers the contact I will not ask him to choose the folder again via the same code, instead i will transfer the contact to the same old contact folder, whose path i have saved in the .ini file.

so what i wanted to implement is to iterate all contact folders present in the outlook and get their path through pFolder->GetFullFolderPath(); function and compare it with saved path if found then i can use that folder object for moving my contact exactly there

something like this


Partial Code snippet Below in VC++

_ApplicationPtr pApp;
_ItemsPtr pItems;
MAPIFolderPtr pFolder, pFolderChld;
_ContactItemPtr pContact;


if (FAILED(hr))
    MsageBox("Unable to instantiate Outlook.","Outlook Error",MB_OK);

if(m_Option.GetCheck()) //default outlook contacts folder
   if (pFolder==NULL)
      MessageBox("Could not find default contacts folder.","Outlook Error");
else //display folder selection window
pFolder = pApp->GetNamespace(_bstr_t("MAPI"))->PickFolder();

if (pFolder==NULL)

if (pFolder->GetDefaultItemType()!=olContactItem)
    MessageBox("Select folder is not a Contact folder.","Outlook Contacts");
   BSTR bsPath = pFolder->GetFullFolderPath();
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