happyHacker 0 Newbie Poster

Windows 7 64 bit.


Am I wrong to assume this can be used to read ALL memory used by a process, including the memory used to store the image, PID, stack, heap, and everything?

Also, what is meant by the "base address" ?

This seems to work for SOME running processes, Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory(pid, (LPCVOID)0x400000, buffer, BUFSIZE, &bRead), but it ALWAYS causes error 299
"Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed."

"The base address in the specified process to read."

What does that mean?

If this function is a part of the toolhelp library that creates snapshots of processes, why does it require a Process ID to work with? What does this function do that is different from ReadProcessMemory???

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