sndj 0 Newbie Poster


I'm new in Java and Hadoop. I'm in need of MapReduce code for large EEG data file split in Java. Based on channels(electrodes attached on head) and time, data have to be splitted. In mapper file splitting takes palce and in reducer it process the splitted data. For parallel processing mapper give splitted data to different nodes. Mapper(master node) and slave nodes have reduser. I have an overview of mapreduce code that I given below. I'm quite sure that it may be wrong, because I'm new in Java. Please help me to write map and reduce code.

 //getfile(File location)
 getfile attributes(number of channel,frequency)
 getsplitting parameters(channel count,time)
 getseek parameter(seek location);
  splitfile on channel()
       /list of files/

  Getseek parameter(seek start,seek limit)
          for each splitted files
          split file on time();//