hey i need help once i run it will proceed to next one it will show error message

package test1;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Test1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int counter;
int counter1=0;
int counter2=0;
int counter3=0;
int counter4=0;


int num1;
String firstinput = null ;
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a positive integer(1-9999):");
num1= Integer.parseInt(firstinput);

while (num1<1 || num1>9999)
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("The input number is not positive. Please enter a positive integer (1-9999):");
num1= Integer.parseInt(firstinput);
if(num1>=1 && num1<=9)
if(num1>=10 && num1<=99)
if(num1>=100 && num1<=999)
if(num1>=1000 && num1<=9999)


JOptionPane.showInputDialog("The number of 1-digit input is:"+counter1);
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("The number of 2-digit input is:"+counter2);
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("The number of 3-digit input is:"+counter3);
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("The number of 4-digit input is:"+counter4);

JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Thank You, BYE BYE");

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The error message tells you exactly what the error was and the exact line where the error occurred. That would be very useful information to share.


that is error it wont let me to continue to next number.

That tells you there's a null value being passed to parseInt on line 24 (looks like line 22 in the version you posted). Look at the code:

String firstinput = null ;
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a positive integer(1-9999):");
num1= Integer.parseInt(firstinput)

Obviously firstInput will still be null when you pass it to parseInt.
I guess you forgot to get the value from the input dialog and assign that to firstInput?

yup how do i do that?

I have correct it...it works now but when i enter a negetive number it will keep one looping non stop.

package test2;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Test2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

int counter;
int counter1=0;
int counter2=0;
int counter3=0;
int counter4=0;
int num1;
String string_in1;
String string_in2;


  string_in1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a positive integer(1-9999):");

while (num1<1 || num1>9999)
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("The input number is not positive. Please enter a positive integer (1-9999):");
if(num1>=1 && num1<=9)
if(num1>=10 && num1<=99)
if(num1>=100 && num1<=999)
if(num1>=1000 && num1<=9999)


JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The number of 1-digit input is:"+counter1);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The number of 2-digit input is:"+counter2);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The number of 3-digit input is:"+counter3);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The number of 4-digit input is:"+counter4);

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Thank You, BYE BYE");

Bellow is output which keep on looping


that's because you made a logical error:

here is the total reach of the while loop in which you show that:

while (num1<1 || num1>9999)
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("The input number is not positive. Please enter a positive integer (1-9999):");

it may look correct, but you have forgotten to assign the value read in by the inputDialog to string_in1, so it'll always take the previous (negative) value.

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