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So, I'm trying to make a program that works with Newton's method. I want the program to take in two formulas and a guess and then follow this pattern.

This is the pseudocode/python (I kinda did both):

[B]def[/B] newtonIterationFunction(x) 
    [B]return[/B]  x - (function1) / (function2)
get function1
get function2

x = guess

99 times
     print "Iteration: " + i
     print "Guess: " + x
     xold = x
     x = newtonIterationFunction(x) 
     [B]if[/B] x == xold 
         print "Solution found!"
         [B]break out of loop[/B]

How could I parse the functions they enter? If they type in 3x^2 I need the function to be the actually multiplication of 3 times x squared.

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All 9 Replies

Just to make things clear, you want to use Newton's method to solve a system of 2 nonlinear equations. Is that what you have in mind?

Your real problem is to parse the user input to something that Python can work with. So 3x^2 becomes 3*(x**2). This could get pretty involved if you want to cover all sorts of user input. A real challenge!

Work with simple cases first. How would you convert "3x^2" to "3*(x**2)"? Converting the whole input string into a list of charaters would be my first step.

Replacing the '^' with '**' would be easy, putting the missing '*' in '3x' takes more thinking. You will have to detect the boundary of digit and alpha. Actually sounds like a fun project. Let us know what you are doing.


putting the missing '*' in '3x' takes more thinking.

Hmm, maybe a regex can help:

In [1]: import re
In [2]: pattern = re.compile("(\d)([A-Za-z])")
In [3]: formula = "6x+3x^2"
In [4]: re.sub(pattern, r"\1*\2", formula)
Out[4]: '6*x+3*x^2'
In [5]: formula = "a+3b-22.5c"
In [6]: re.sub(pattern, r"\1*\2", formula)
Out[6]: 'a+3*b-22.5*c'

Regards, mawe

If you're talking about Newton's Method to find a zero of a function, I recommend the following:

def deriv(f , c, dx = 0.0001):
deriv(f,c,dx) --> float

Returns f'(c), computed as a symmetric difference quotient.  Make dx smaller for more precise results.

   return (f(c+dx) - f(c - dx))/ (2*dx)

def fuzzyequals(a,b,tol=0.0001):
fuzzyequals(a,b,tol) --> Bool

Returns True if a is within tol of b.
   return abs(a-b) < tol

def Newton(f, c):

Newton(f,c) --> float

Returns the x closest to c such that f(x) = 0.

 if fuzzyequals(f(c),0,tol):
        return c

        # catch recursion limit errors, division by zero errors
            # x_n+1 = x_n - f(x_n)/f'(x_n)
            return newton(f, c - f(c)/deriv(f,c,tol), tol)
            # We've either hit a horizontal tangent or else
            # haven't been able to find one within the recursion depth.
            return None

Hope it helps,

Member Avatar for Mouche

Just to make things clear, you want to use Newton's method to solve a system of 2 nonlinear equations. Is that what you have in mind?


Your real problem is to parse the user input to something that Python can work with. So 3x^2 becomes 3*(x**2). This could get pretty involved if you want to cover all sorts of user input. A real challenge!

I realized that.

Work with simple cases first. How would you convert "3x^2" to "3*(x**2)"? Converting the whole input string into a list of charaters would be my first step.

Replacing the '^' with '**' would be easy, putting the missing '*' in '3x' takes more thinking. You will have to detect the boundary of digit and alpha. Actually sounds like a fun project. Let us know what you are doing.

I'm pretty new to complicated problems like this problem. I've mostyl been doing basic stuff. This sounded like a fun thing to do. My friend in Calculus asked me if I could make it just for fun. I can take a string and stick it into a list and make numbers integers...any other help?

Thank you Mawe and Jeff, but I need a way to take the formula into the program.

Expanding on mawe's formula builder, this is my contribution to the equation solver:

# evaluate equation like 3x^2+2(3x-2) = 0

import re

# look for digit before alpha and '('
pattern = re.compile("(\d)([A-Za-z(])")

formula_raw = "3x^2+2(3x-2)"
# insert '*' between digit and alpha or '('
formula = re.sub(pattern, r"\1*\2", formula_raw)

print formula  # '3*x^2+2*(3*x-2)'

# take care of power symbol ^
if '^' in formula:
    formula = formula.replace('^', '**')

print "formula =", formula  # '3*x**2+2*(3*x-2)'

# test it with for loop ...
for x in range(-5, 5):
    if 'x' in formula:
        formula2 = formula.replace('x', str(x))
    #print formula2  # test
    print "x = %s  --> %s" % (str(x), eval(formula2))


# narrow x value down ...
for x in range(0, 100):
    x = x/100.0
    if 'x' in formula:
        formula2 = formula.replace('x', str(x))
    result = eval(formula2)
    # when result crosses zero line stop
    if result > 0.0:
        print "x = %s  --> %s" % (str(x), result)
commented: very helpful +1

You can do exactly that with the code above, coupled with this:

def convert(s):
Converts a string into a function.
    return lambda x:eval(s)

So the usage would be as follows:

s = raw_input("Enter a function to find the zero of: ")
f = convert(s)

c = float(raw_input("Enter an estimate of the zero: "))
print "The zero of your function is", Newton(f,c)

This code will break if the user gives invalid syntax. A more friendly version:

while True:
       s = raw_input("Enter a function to find the zero of: ")
            f = convert(s)
       except SyntaxError:
            print "Invalid function syntax!"
while True:
       c = raw_input("Enter an estimate of the zero: ")
           c = float(c)
            print "Enter a valid float, please!"

print "The zero of your function:", Newton(f,c)

Hope it helps,
Jeff Cagle

P.S. You could also couple this with Bumsfeld's code to allow for algebraic syntax.

Just curious: is this intended to be used with sin(x), arctan(x), ln(x)?

Member Avatar for Mouche

Wow. Thanks a LOT for your input. I wasn't aware of eval()'s function before this. Also, I looked into regex. Thanks. Yeah, trig functions will be used.

Member Avatar for Mouche

Mawe, could you explain this piece by piece?

In [1]: import re
In [2]: pattern = re.compile("(\d)([A-Za-z])")
In [3]: formula = "6x+3x^2"
In [4]: re.sub(pattern, r"\1*\2", formula)
Out[4]: '6*x+3*x^2'


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