Tales 0 Light Poster

Hi all, finally the first part of my program is working, it plays a MIDI melody extracted from a database. How did I do it? A little MySQL++ and the Play midi voice article posted in the code snippets.

But now I'm facing a problem... I am supposed to play the melody using the instrument 24 which is a Nylon string guitar, and it is supposed to have clean sounds, but they all come cut whenever I play them.

The partiture has figures lenght of 1/3 of black figure... about 167 miliseconds between notes, but everytime a note is going to start, the other one stops.

How can I solve this? How can I play one note while the other one is fading?

Sound(myGroupNotes[counter1].getFreq(counter2), 167, 127, 24);

If I need to open a new MIDI channel, how can I do it?


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